Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Showing Our Love

Showing Our Love

We were proud of how Justus and Jon Marc showed their love for Ming and Mod when their father died.

Tonya & Jared Wright - Nilubon Srisai
July 1st, 2020

Image for Meet Alison Tumberg

Meet Alison Tumberg

I miss seeing all my friends at church and shopping with my mommy. But one thing I have really enjoyed is going to the train station and passing out food to all the people there who have lost their jobs.

Alison Tumberg
July 1st, 2020

Image for Kids Helping

Kids Helping

I am sure that Jesus was happy to see the children working hard and honoring their parents.

Edie Hicks
July 1st, 2020

Image for The Name Game

The Name Game

No matter what your name is on this earth, whether it has a special meaning or not, when Jesus comes to take us home, He will give us a new name. I’m sure it will have a very special meaning, and it will be beautiful!

Ulrike & Toussaint Baur-Kouato
July 1st, 2020

Image for Home by Suppertime

Home by Suppertime

Right now, this planet is going through labor pains, and to-do lists have come to a halt.

Eric Tirado
June 1st, 2020

Image for Other-Worldly Peace

Other-Worldly Peace

We will truly be “a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men” (1 Cor. 4:9). It is my prayer that we all can experience God’s true other-worldly peace no matter what situation we find ourselves in so that others can be drawn to Him.

Kyle Tumberg
June 1st, 2020

Image for The Ladder

The Ladder

If this family, the laughingstock of the whole village, could be transformed by Jesus, maybe the entire village would follow.

Joshua Lewis
June 1st, 2020

Image for Tukews and Visions

Tukews and Visions

We are humbled and amazed to realize anew that God pre-ordained that we be here in this place at this time to do this work! God’s desire is that the Palawano truly learn the story of His salvation and pass it down the generations until His return.

Leonda George
June 1st, 2020

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