Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Andru


Andru told me that God was putting a burden on his heart to hold a youth camp in Khon Kaen so that he could share with his friends what he had been learning. He asked if I would help him plan it, and I was happy to agree.

Kyle Tumberg
September 1st, 2020

Image for Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

As soon as we first sensed God’s call, we prayed for the people he was calling us to serve. We prayed for God to prepare and soften their hearts and ours.

Brenda Mays
September 1st, 2020

Image for Moved by the Spirit

Moved by the Spirit

In reaching out to unreached Thai Buddhist people, we are learning that deepening trust and friendship is essential.

Dorothy Hayward
September 1st, 2020

Image for Listen More, Speak Less

Listen More, Speak Less

We want to speak less and listen more. We want to learn before we act.

Jared Wright
September 1st, 2020

Image for Fields of Blessing

Fields of Blessing

Though our new believers had already planted their rice for the year, they still wanted to put into practice the planting ceremony to ask for God’s blessing on their crops next year. So, this past week, we performed the first rice-field and garden dedications! Praise God!

Molly Timmins
September 1st, 2020

Image for Reading to Children

Reading to Children

Please pray for our team here in Thailand that we will be able to inspire caregivers in the community and model for them how to engage more actively with their children’s development.

Jared Wright
August 1st, 2020

Image for Three Eyes and the Devil’s Medicine

Three Eyes and the Devil’s Medicine

“Hey! This is a miracle!” He was so amazed that he called to some neighbors who were outside, “Come and see this! A miracle just happened!”

Stephen Erickson
August 1st, 2020

Image for The Way Out

The Way Out

Trust that God will take care of you, and lean completely on His power to do what He asks of you.

Darryl and Cheryl Hosford
August 1st, 2020

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