Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for The Jyak Who Met Jesus

The Jyak Who Met Jesus

Though Jendra had gone far from her village of birth, she couldn’t escape the jyak label.

Molly Timmins
August 1st, 2020

Image for A Gift of Locks and Love

A Gift of Locks and Love

We have heard of bake sales for missions, garage sales for missions, and many other kinds of fundraisers. But this was the first we have heard of growing hair for missions!

Carly Tirado
August 1st, 2020

Image for People of Peace

People of Peace

I sighed again, this time with relief. Finding a person of peace sometimes feels like a long shot. But then sometimes they find you.

Anne Troy
August 1st, 2020

Image for Our Brave Otammari Evangelists

Our Brave Otammari Evangelists

Local politicians oppose Christians because they believe that their powers come from their traditional spiritual leaders. Praise God, He sustains His church, and it is still standing.

Carrie James
August 1st, 2020

Image for A Child Shall Lead Them

A Child Shall Lead Them

God knew that my worst fears about moving to a foreign country were related to my children. Maybe this was His way of letting me know that my children will be loved and happy here in Georgia.

Anne Troy
July 1st, 2020

Image for Komba’s Struggle

Komba’s Struggle

One night, Komba went running out of his house screaming that people were after him and wanted to kill him.

George Tooray
July 1st, 2020

Image for Sombat the Snake

Sombat the Snake

“Why are you saying this snake is yours? People don’t live with snakes!”
Grandma called to Sombat and coaxed him out. He crawled up our legs and onto our shoulders. We gave him hugs and kisses, and then we rushed our poor frightened pet away from there.

Joshua Lewis
July 1st, 2020

Image for Mysterious Ways

Mysterious Ways

How can I help these people? When will they believe that God is more powerful than the demons that pretend to be spirits? Oh, God! Help me be a missionary to these people! Use me to bring Your peace and life to those enslaved to terror!

John Holbrook
July 1st, 2020

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