Register or Request Training Event

Experience Discipleship

We are looking forward to serving you on your discipleship journey.  You will find links below with all of the steps you need to take and forms you need to fill out in order to make arrangements to request, register or sign up for one of the AFM Training services.

Instructions for AFM Missionary Applicants

Our first priority it to serve your needs.  The AFM Training department is committed to serving and supporting your training needs from the time you sign up with AFM to the time God calls you to serve in another part of His grand work.  Frontier mission service demands a lifetime personal growth and transformation and we are committed to walking with you over. The following links will give you quick and easy access to the information you need to take the next step in your training journey.

Student and Short-Term Missionaries. Open Student/Short Term Missionary Registration Forms
You have signed up to serve the unreached on the frontiers of the mission field.  Your next step is training.  For more information on what is offered at training and how to prepare, read the various overviews on our website.  Arrangements for your housing, transportation and tuition will be made by AFM.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Volunteer Missionary Candidates (VMC). Get started with the Missions Interest Form
Thank you for signing up to serve the unreached.  Your training and discipleship starts at orientation will continue throughout out the life of your frontier mission experience.  For more information on the prerequisites that must be completed and forms that need to be submitted before you come to summer training, visit the other pages in the Training section of our website. 

Career Missionary
Deep learning begins in the field.  All the rest is practice – like flying in a simulator.  We look forward to being a part of your team as you become an effective frontier missionary. For a full description of how we can serve your project and how to access those services surf the Training section of our website.

Register for AFM Training

You are not an AFM employee and would like to attend an AFM training event?  Well, we’re delighted to be a part of the training and equipping for your calling.  You will find instructions on the requirements for attendance, what you need to do to register as well as travel and housing options and costs.

Short Term Missionary Training (four weeks)
Single or married with no kids?  Serving for one to two years?  Want to join us for a summer training intensive?  Here is how!

Career Missionary Training (12 weeks)
Serving longterm and want to join us for summer training?  Here is how!

Register Summer Training Intensives
Two one week training intensives focused on preparing participants to do effective discipleship in a cross cultural context.

Request a Training Event

Invite an AFM trainer to present a weekend or week-long training event at your church or for your organization.  More information on what we do and how we can serve you and your community can be found here.  For information on setting up a training event click here.

Consulting Services

Interested in AFM’s Consulting Services?  Find out more about how we can serve and support you and your leadership team in developing a world view transforming disciple making ministry at your church.  For more information on the services we offer click here.  Ready to initiate the process then click here for your next step.
