Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Mustafa


In these uncertain times, those who know God’s word must remain flexible and sensitive to His leading.

Brenda Mays
December 1st, 2020

Image for Chained


Communication with her is somewhat difficult. Please pray for Rachay. We hope she can find true freedom in Christ and no longer have to be chained.

Cara Greenfield
December 1st, 2020

Image for Sister Tan

Sister Tan

Please pray for Sister Tan. We believe that God has plans to use her to start a people movement in her community that will help guide many to a deep connection with their Creator.

Jared Wright
December 1st, 2020

Image for A Meal with Janelyn’s Mother

A Meal with Janelyn’s Mother

I am drawn to this hard-working woman. Although our primary ministry focus is two day’s journey away from her home, she lives close to our transit house in town, and I pray that I can be a source of encouragement to her when I am in town.

Keren Lawrence
December 1st, 2020

Image for The Worth of a Name

The Worth of a Name

I leave a piece of myself in each naming. The parents will forever associate the child’s name with the one who gave the name.

Leonda George
December 1st, 2020

Image for Remembering Lilly Williams

Remembering Lilly Williams

Our dear colleague and friend, Lilly May Williams, died Sunday, Nov. 22, 2020, at Hanson Hospice Center in Stevensville, MI. She was 68 years old.

Home Office
November 25th, 2020

Image for God’s Protection from COVID-19

God’s Protection from COVID-19

Friends, let us not limit the power of God. Let your anchor take hold on the solid Rock, for He will not let you down.

Isatta Coker
November 1st, 2020

Image for Lina’s Deliverance

Lina’s Deliverance

Here in our village of Sepounga, most of the ladies are involved with at least one sorcery group.

Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
November 1st, 2020

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