Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Luna Invited Me Into Her Home

Luna Invited Me Into Her Home

It is often through much intercessory prayer that the Holy Spirit softens a heart and resolves any issues separating a soul from Christ. Please pray for Luna.

Edie Hicks
March 1st, 2023

Image for New Horizons

New Horizons

We feel God has called us and equipped us for our work in Mali, and we invite you to continue to partner with us in this exciting new venture to reach the unreached.

Seth Miller
March 1st, 2023

Image for Share in the Joy

Share in the Joy

I want to share in that joy, those tears. Father, may I?

Jared Ratcliff
March 1st, 2023

Image for Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

It does not matter if I do not have what it takes; He is faithful to provide and to do so in His timing. I did not have to do anything extraordinary; I just had to be willing to go. God took care of the rest.

Amy Reyes
March 1st, 2023

Image for A Type of Job

A Type of Job

God has always directed Diane and me in the past, and I trust He will direct us in the future.

Arnold Hooker
March 1st, 2023

Image for Like a Mountain

Like a Mountain

This mountain was a missionary to me in this place where few know and worship God as Creator. I want my life to preach my Creator’s life-giving love to a dying world.

Yonathan Suarez
March 1st, 2023

Image for Embracing Change

Embracing Change

If you are thinking about missions and worrying because you do not know what to expect — not knowing might be for the best. God says, “I will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Take that leap of faith.

Ella Foster
March 1st, 2023

Image for Lun Bi Ktok-oh

Lun Bi Ktok-oh

Today is the first time we have sung it in their language. Simon worked hard, getting the syllables to fit the tune and not to be a tongue twister. He taught it to us. He was so proud. You would have been, too.

Joshua Lewis
March 1st, 2023

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