Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Our Road to Missionary Life

Our Road to Missionary Life

Missionary life humbles us; it keeps us praying, crying, praising, hoping and fully expecting that one day there will be Palawano in heaven because we came . . . and for now . . . stayed.

Leonda George
August 1st, 2023

Image for Engaging the Bible

Engaging the Bible

We invite you to partner with us and pledge your support to help us catalyze a disciple-making movement here in Thailand that will transform lives and reveal the depth of God’s love for the Isan Thai people.

Jared Wright
August 1st, 2023

Image for Learning Can Be Hard

Learning Can Be Hard

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. It is a blessing to continue ministering to our friends from the Maghreb and around the world.

Chris White
August 1st, 2023

Image for A Greater Role and Growing Team for an Expanding Work

A Greater Role and Growing Team for an Expanding Work

Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support as we expand the ministry with a growing team of workers that God has placed under our care!

Christopher Sorensen
August 1st, 2023

Image for Speak to the Pain

Speak to the Pain

Please pray Jesus uses us effectively as He heals our Native friends.

David White
August 1st, 2023

Image for Bon


Since arriving home, Duang and I have prayed daily for God to grant victory in Bon’s life over this addiction. Please join us in this prayer.

Brian WIlson
July 1st, 2023

Image for Bad for Good

Bad for Good

We often do not understand difficult or even tragic situations that occur in our lives. But it is always good to remember that, amid pain and trouble, we have a God working through the situation, and the blessing He will give us will surpass the suffering we experience.

Cristian & Solange Jara
July 1st, 2023

Image for Smoothies and the Prophet Elijah

Smoothies and the Prophet Elijah

Sometimes we can be so paralyzed, wanting to do things perfectly, that we don’t do anything at all. Please join me in praying that Hana and her friends encounter Jesus, the true God, whenever they enter our home.

Carly Tirado
July 1st, 2023

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