December 1st, 2023, 9:56 am
When I call Soty, he often talks about his latest money-making scheme. I tell him we need partners in the mission, reaching his people for Christ.
“Sell everything and get the treasure,” I say.
“It is easy for you to say that because you have support from America. I have a wife and two kids to support. I just can’t run around careless or spend all day studying the Bible like I am still single,” Soty responds.
After so much of his time spent with various missionaries, we feel discouraged. Srey Neang, our church member and friend, has gone to his house on Sabbath wanting worship and Christian fellowship, but he has never done much other than chit-chat. She told us that she thinks his wife, Vari, would follow Soty if he took a strong stand for Jesus.
Instead, Soty has created his own strange middle ground between Islam and Christianity. He has told us in text messages that he is a Christian. He has said he will be baptized one day — also only in text messages. And so the years go by.
Soty and Vani have neighbors telling people not to go to their clinic since they are Christians. They have seen Jesus and the second coming in amazing dreams. Yet Soty is afraid of his wife’s influential Muslim parents. He used to be fired up about telling his people that Jesus really is God. Now, when we read the Bible, Soty does not discuss it and changes the subject. We have stopped the long Bible studies we used to love so much.
I bring them to your attention to ask for prayers for them, especially Vari. For the last few days, she has been asking Soty a lot about Jesus and the Bible. Today, she texted Stephanie, saying, “I know who God is and Jesus, but who is the Holy Spirit?” Vari sends Stephanie screenshots of Bible verses and sometimes a Christian song. She courted and married Soty, knowing he was learning about Christianity. Maybe she will make a decision first, and Soty will follow. Pray they will feel the need of a Savior. Pray they will be content to have faith when topics like the Trinity are difficult to understand. Pray that they will make Jesus the King of their lives, counting the cost and counting it joy.