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The Need

Our sole purpose is to hasten the coming of Jesus by giving unreached people the opportunity to know Him and become His disciples. We are the only Seventh-day Adventist ministry focused solely on the unreached. God’s instructions are clear: His people must take the everlasting Gospel to every nation, tribe, language and people (Rev. 14:6). Then the end will come.

  • There are nearly 7,000 unreached people groups representing more than 2 billion people.
  • Out of every 1,000 Gospel workers worldwide, only 14 serve among the unreached.
  • Out of every $100 given for Christian ministry worldwide, less than one penny goes to help reach the unreached.

Is this status quo acceptable? Absolutely not! Every day, thousands of people die without any knowledge of Christ or the salvation He gave His life to purchase for them. The unreached are waiting for someone to tell them.

Who are the unreached? They are people groups, often isolated behind barriers of geography, language and prejudice, who have no access to Gospel truth because there is no viable Christian presence among them. 86 percent of unreached people groups live in the 10/40 Window, which stretches from northeastern Africa across southern Asia between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude.

Our Unique Approach

AFM works among unreached people groups that have no Adventist presence. Once a solid foundation is established, our missionaries begin discipling and training new believers to carry the work forward.

This evangelism model not only empowers local believers, it enables the Seventh-day Adventist Church to grow and expand in areas previously unentered. Many of the areas where AFM works are highly resistant to the Adventist Church for social, political or ethnic reasons. Our unique cross-cultural approach to evangelizing unreached people groups breaks down these barriers and allows for exponential growth. The key steps of this process are outlined in our Church-Planting Cycle page. When an AFM project is complete, its churches are handed over to the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. is an independent ministry that supports the mission of the Seventh-day AdventistⓇ Church; however, it is not part of, affiliated with, or supported by the General Conference of Seventh-day AdventistsⓇ, or any affiliates known as the Seventh-day AdventistⓇ Church. Thus, any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the services offered by Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. are solely those of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. and not those of the Seventh-day AdventistⓇ Church.

Frontier Stories

Memorial Service for Marianne Hollister

Marianne Hollister (January 11, 1953 – August 16, 2022)

By: James Arkusinski
August 19 2022, 11:53 am | Comments 0


What will you do? Will you commit to pray—earnestly pray—for more laborers? Will you give—sacrificially give—from your abundance to support those who will go? Will you be one of those who venture into the darkness, bearing the light, bringing food to the starving, and sharing healing through the blood of the Savior?

August 01 2022, 10:54 am | Comments 0

Seeking AFM Center Facilities Manager

Job Opening: AFM Center Facilities Manager

June 23 2022, 8:19 am | Comments 0

The “Poppy” Seed

Perhaps the greatest lesson of my life is the one they taught without saying a word—a missionary is not a title; it is true Christian living.

By: Erin White
June 01 2022, 8:27 am | Comments 0

It’s the Little Things

Will you trust God and obey His call today?

April 01 2022, 3:21 pm | Comments 0

Commitment to Accountability

Adventist Frontier Missions ranks in top 3% of American charities for 10 consecutive years.

By: Susan Payne
February 17 2022, 11:48 am | Comments 0

Are We There Yet?

By using your skills and talents, you can make our aging vehicle, Model Earth Edition, start moving faster towards its ultimate destination: a rescue by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at His second coming (2 Peter 3:11-12). Don’t complain that we have not made it to heaven yet. Do something about it instead—now!—and help us all get there sooner.

February 08 2022, 2:34 pm | Comments 0

Newly-Equipped Christian Soldiers

We invite you to prayerfully consider God’s call on your life. Next year could be the best year of your life, learning to trust the Savior fully while serving as a Christian soldier.

September 01 2021, 11:37 am | Comments 0


If the picture of heaven is to be complete, someone must do something now. The gift of the gospel that you have is precious; you cannot simply stand by and wait for someone else to share it for you. Will you join us in helping to make the dream of reaching every people group a reality today?

August 10 2021, 2:04 pm | Comments 0


Over 40% of the world is still unreached and needs to hear about the salvation offered through Christ. Through human eyes, the remaining task is impossible and insurmountable. But the stories in the Bible demonstrate that what is impossible with man is possible with God.

July 13 2021, 11:02 am | Comments 0

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