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Image for Editorial: February 2021

Editorial: February 2021

Are your life circumstances tempting you to react in fear? Are you despised and under attack? Perhaps you are being given a gift like Raphael’s—an opportunity to shine like never before for your Savior.

Bill Fagal
February 1st, 2021

Image for Opportunities in 2021

Opportunities in 2021

May 2021 be the year when you choose to go. Your hands, skills and passions are needed in the mission frontier today.

Ricardo Palacios
January 12th, 2021

Image for “I Had a Dream. Can You Help Me?”

“I Had a Dream. Can You Help Me?”

God is revealing Himself through dreams and visions, even directing seeking Muslims straight to our Dream Project website!

Abed Al-Masih
January 1st, 2021

Image for Editorial: January 2021

Editorial: January 2021

As I scanned down the stories, I was transfixed. Each dream was unique, and yet they all had the same golden threads running through them—a Man in white, an invitation to worship, a call to scripture study, and the pronouncement that gripped my heart: “Get ready. I am coming soon.”

Bill Fagal
January 1st, 2021

Image for The Spiritual Battle: Take Heart!

The Spiritual Battle: Take Heart!

As 2020 draws to a close, I want to thank you for investing in God’s kingdom. Thank you for sacrificially giving so that the unreached can hear the Good News about Jesus and take heart for the world to come!

Susan Payne
December 15th, 2020

Image for How Palawan Changed my Life

How Palawan Changed my Life

Is God calling you to make a change in your life? Accept the calling! Get out of your comfort zone. Teach others who are in desperate need of Christ’s love. After all, nothing in this life matters more than service to God.

Janelle Lira
December 8th, 2020

Image for End of the Time of the End?

End of the Time of the End?

We are not only looking forward with anticipation to 2021 and what God will do among the unreached, but we are also looking forward to the end of the Time of the End, when “. . . Michael, the great prince, the protector of your people, shall arise” (Dan. 12:1).

Conrad Vine
December 1st, 2020

Image for Editorial: December 2020

Editorial: December 2020

In a thousand ways you have inspired us by your dedication and sacrifice, and we are deeply grateful. May God richly bless you—flour, sugar, oil and salt.

Bill Fagal
December 1st, 2020

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