<![CDATA[Home Office Blog]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog en Copyright 2025 2025-03-25T13:35:00+00:00 <![CDATA[The Best Medicine]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-best-medicine https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-best-medicine#When:13:35:00Z Missionary service is the best medicine you can take to cure your spiritual ills.

<![CDATA[The Wake-up Call: A Will-Changing Event]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-wake-up-call-a-will-changing-event https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-wake-up-call-a-will-changing-event#When:13:35:00Z You never know when something might happen to stop your wishes from coming to fruition. Do not hesitate to act. Put your will and affairs in the perfect will of God to help save the unreached.

<![CDATA[A Devout Muslim’s Spiritual Journey]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-devout-muslims-spiritual-journey https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-devout-muslims-spiritual-journey#When:13:35:00Z Are you feeling a divine calling to assist individuals from Muslim backgrounds? If so, I encourage you to visit the Dream Project page at afmonline.org.

<![CDATA[Editorial: February 2025]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-february-2025 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-february-2025#When:13:35:00Z Let’s lift Christ up together throughout 2025, leading others to experience His love and receive abundant and eternal life.

<![CDATA[Guardian Angel]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/guardian-angel https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/guardian-angel#When:13:35:00Z Sheppy lunged at him, barking. He would have attacked the man were it not for being tied up.

<![CDATA[Gospel vs. Culture in the Mission Fields]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/gospel-vs.-culture-in-the-mission-fields https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/gospel-vs.-culture-in-the-mission-fields#When:13:35:00Z Unlike Western missionaries who impose specific cultural standards, Christian missionaries adhere to a heavenly standard—Christ.

<![CDATA[Dr. Conrad Vine Steps Aside from his Leadership Role at AFM]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/dr.-conrad-vine-steps-aside-from-his-leadership-role-at-afm https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/dr.-conrad-vine-steps-aside-from-his-leadership-role-at-afm#When:13:35:00Z After 14 years of service, Dr. Conrad Vine steps aside from his leadership role at AFM.

<![CDATA[AFMS Scholarship]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/afms-scholarship https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/afms-scholarship#When:13:35:00Z Do you want to serve as a short-term or student missionary?

<![CDATA[Mighty Men and Women of Valor!]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/mighty-men-and-women-of-valor https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/mighty-men-and-women-of-valor#When:13:35:00Z If you feel weak, unimportant, insignificant or unqualified, you may actually be more prepared for God’s work than you realize.

<![CDATA[Resolved!]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/resolved https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/resolved#When:13:35:00Z In this new year, God is offering you the opportunity to start anew. Resolve to follow His call so those in darkness can also have a new start.

<![CDATA[Pam’s Story]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/pams-story https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/pams-story#When:13:35:00Z Will you consider surrendering to God and ask Him if you are spending your “money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy?”

<![CDATA[Lifeline to Heaven]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/lifeline-to-heaven https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/lifeline-to-heaven#When:13:35:00Z This year, make your prayer life a vibrant, living expression of new life in Christ—both for you and for those who are taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

<![CDATA[The Greatest is Love]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-greatest-is-love https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-greatest-is-love#When:13:35:00Z Our world is in desperate need of faith; we long for hope; but the greatest need for every person and every culture is love. We are asking you to pray and consider your response to the love of Jesus. Might you be willing to go and share the love of Christ with the unreached?

<![CDATA[Filled]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/filled https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/filled#When:13:35:00Z 2024 is almost over. We can’t change our past, but what we can be — begins today.

<![CDATA[Christmas Socks]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/christmas-socks https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/christmas-socks#When:13:35:00Z Isn’t it amazing how simple things that would not be appreciated by some are highly valued by those who do not receive them on a regular basis?

<![CDATA[Editorial: December 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-december-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-december-2024#When:13:35:00Z May God bless you and yours as you reflect on His great gift and prepare to share it with others in 2025.

<![CDATA[The Importance of Intercultural Studies for Mission]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-importance-of-intercultural-studies-for-mission https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-importance-of-intercultural-studies-for-mission#When:13:35:00Z By recognizing and respecting the communal nature of the culture, the missionary’s message is more likely to be received positively and understood within the appropriate cultural framework.

<![CDATA[The Hurry Escapade]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-hurry-escapade https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-hurry-escapade#When:13:35:00Z Everything went fine until I unwisely detached the leash so the eager tellers could hold her.

<![CDATA[Editorial: November 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-november-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-november-2024#When:13:35:00Z Thank you, missionary partners, for the love that you pour out on our missionaries and the unreached and for joining us in being about our Father’s business, ultimately returning to Him the gift of love that He lavished upon us.

<![CDATA[Victorious Pilgrims]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/victorious-pilgrims https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/victorious-pilgrims#When:13:35:00Z Jesus is preparing a city for His victorious pilgrims. He is calling others to join Him in seeking to save those who are longing for heaven.

<![CDATA[Fulfilling the Great Commission: AFM takes the gospel around the globe]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/fulfilling-the-great-commission-afm-takes-the-gospel-around-the-globe https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/fulfilling-the-great-commission-afm-takes-the-gospel-around-the-globe#When:13:35:00Z Thank you for participating in God’s message of mercy for our dying world!

<![CDATA[Faithful Servants]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/faithful-servants https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/faithful-servants#When:13:35:00Z AFM Planned Giving has a variety of options that allow you to carefully invest God’s resources in missions to the unreached.

<![CDATA[Be Inspired!]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/be-inspired https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/be-inspired#When:13:35:00Z We pray that you, too, would be inspired to be a missionary and share Christ’s love wherever He may take you.

<![CDATA[Editorial: October 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-october-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-october-2024#When:13:35:00Z Even now, the Holy Spirit is leading many into service as student missionaries or short-term missionaries.

<![CDATA[If Not You, Then Who?]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/if-not-you-then-who2 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/if-not-you-then-who2#When:13:35:00Z You love Him because He first loved you. May your choices reflect your appreciation for the sacrifice of Jesus. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

<![CDATA[What Can I Do?]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/what-can-i-do https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/what-can-i-do#When:13:35:00Z We need your help finding those who God is calling into service.

<![CDATA[Support Worth Funding: A Missionary’s Perspective]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/support-worth-funding-a-missionarys-perspective https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/support-worth-funding-a-missionarys-perspective#When:13:35:00Z I have returned stateside and am now part of the office support team, providing lift for our missionaries on the front lines.

<![CDATA[Editorial: September 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-september-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-september-2024#When:13:35:00Z As we await the harvest, let us live lives worthy of our calling so that those who see us will glorify our Father in heaven.

<![CDATA[No Time to Lose!]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/no-time-to-lose https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/no-time-to-lose#When:13:35:00Z We have no time to lose.

<![CDATA[Snakes]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/snakes https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/snakes#When:13:35:00Z Ask God to show you how you can help. He may want you to become a missionary or ask you to financially support missionaries already in the field or those who are going out.

<![CDATA[Salim’s Dream]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/salims-dream https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/salims-dream#When:13:35:00Z Are you feeling a divine calling to assist individuals in this vital outreach to Muslims? I encourage you to visit the Dream Project page at afmonline.org to support us. Please pray for God’s protection and guidance as we share His truth with those whom He is reaching through dreams.

<![CDATA[Editorial: August 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-august-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-august-2024#When:13:35:00Z We are responsible for planting the seed, telling people about Jesus, but we are not responsible for their choice of reaction nor for sending the sunshine and the rain to help the plant grow.

<![CDATA[Run the Race – Win the Gold]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/run-the-race-win-the-gold https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/run-the-race-win-the-gold#When:13:35:00Z As you hear the voice of Jesus urging you to run the frontier mission race, please connect with us. We want to help you win gold!

<![CDATA[The Dream of Light and Guidance]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-dream-of-light-and-guidance https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-dream-of-light-and-guidance#When:13:35:00Z In sharing this story, I hope to inspire others to reflect on their spiritual journeys and to seek the profound messages that may come, sometimes, even in our dreams.

<![CDATA[The Race]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-race https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-race#When:13:35:00Z In your quest to generate income in your retirement and allocate funds to further the gospel, maybe it’s time to consider moving the finish line by setting up an IRA-funded Charitable Gift Annuity.

<![CDATA[Set Free in Christ Institute: Ministering to Members and the Unreached]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/set-free-in-christ-institute-ministering-to-members-and-the-unreached https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/set-free-in-christ-institute-ministering-to-members-and-the-unreached#When:13:35:00Z The Set Free in Christ Institute emphasizes the importance of human wholeness in finding freedom, healing and hope in Jesus Christ.

<![CDATA[A Ministry for Our Time]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-ministry-for-our-time https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-ministry-for-our-time#When:13:35:00Z We minister in the name of Jesus Christ, who has never lost a battle with Satan, and we drive back the prince of darkness in the name of the Light of the World.

<![CDATA[Editorial: July 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-july-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-july-2024#When:13:35:00Z Let us also honor those who responded to the call and said, “Here am I. Send me.”

<![CDATA[Utter Darkness]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/utter-darkness https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/utter-darkness#When:13:35:00Z I always felt a great sense of relief when the lights came back on. I didn’t want to try to get out of there in the dark.

<![CDATA[Editorial: June 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-june-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-june-2024#When:13:35:00Z We prayed for those young ladies, faithfully serving God according to their beliefs, and asked that He help them follow Him into all truth.

<![CDATA[Editorial: Children’s Edition 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-childrens-edition-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-childrens-edition-2024#When:13:35:00Z Who knows where God may take you someday! Maybe Jesus will send you to the frontiers of mission service!

<![CDATA[It Is Their Right]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/it-is-their-right https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/it-is-their-right#When:13:35:00Z “There is no line of work in which it is possible for the youth to receive greater benefit.  All who engage in ministry are God’s helping hand.”

<![CDATA[A Tapestry of Prayer]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-tapestry-of-prayer https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-tapestry-of-prayer#When:13:35:00Z The picture is not complete without you!

<![CDATA[Prayer — The Oxygen of Mission]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/prayer-the-oxygen-of-mission https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/prayer-the-oxygen-of-mission#When:13:35:00Z Please unite with AFM missionaries in prayer for the unreached so that they may one day experience the joy of salvation and walk humbly with God.

<![CDATA[Editorial: May 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-may-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-may-2024#When:13:35:00Z As God moves on your heart to support AFM missionaries, can you trace the action God took in answer to your petitions?

<![CDATA[Give Your Best]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/give-your-best https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/give-your-best#When:13:35:00Z Scripture invites us to give God “unblemished offerings,” our “first fruits,” and our best. God gave the best He had when He sent His Son to an obscure, sin-filled planet. His example should challenge us when we look at the billions of people sitting in spiritual darkness and sin in far-off lands.

<![CDATA[Where is Your Accent From?]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/where-is-your-accent-from https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/where-is-your-accent-from#When:13:35:00Z I invite you to behold the Lamb.

<![CDATA[Persons of Peace]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/persons-of-peace https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/persons-of-peace#When:13:35:00Z Please pray for our missionaries to cast a wide relational net and for wisdom to discern the true motives of the people they encounter.

<![CDATA[Editorial: April 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-april-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-april-2024#When:13:35:00Z Experience the joy in heaven over a newly saved soul because you took part in Jesus’ parables.

<![CDATA[He is Alive]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/he-is-alive https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/he-is-alive#When:13:35:00Z Believe, trust, and follow Him to the ends of the earth.

<![CDATA[The Unplanned Missionary]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-unplanned-missionary https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-unplanned-missionary#When:13:35:00Z Please prayerfully consider how God would have you be a willing missionary to the unreached.

<![CDATA[Editorial: March 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-march-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-march-2024#When:13:35:00Z Your life is a witness that God is alive . . . in you. Now, go. Testify.

<![CDATA[He Hasn’t Forgotten Us]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/he-hasnt-forgotten-us https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/he-hasnt-forgotten-us#When:13:35:00Z If you want to help other unreached people realize that God has not forgotten them, please connect with us so we can send you to meet these precious children. Email us at service@afmonline.org or call 800-937-4236.

<![CDATA[Sermon Without Words]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/sermon-without-words https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/sermon-without-words#When:13:35:00Z Preach the silent sermon of action. Commit to giving sacrificially to help us reach the unreached.

<![CDATA[Our Child Wants to Do What?]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/our-child-wants-to-do-what https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/our-child-wants-to-do-what#When:13:35:00Z We rejoice that our daughter answered Jesus’ call to serve as a missionary, especially with an organization such as AFM that takes tremendous care of its people.

<![CDATA[Editorial: February 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-february-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-february-2024#When:13:35:00Z You, as a student, can respond to God’s call by taking the gospel to an unreached people group.

<![CDATA[Everybody. Somebody. Nobody. Anybody. You!]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/everybody.-somebody.-nobody.-anybody.-you https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/everybody.-somebody.-nobody.-anybody.-you#When:13:35:00Z We want to encourage you to go and embody Jesus Christ, telling everybody that Somebody — Jesus Christ — will love, forgive, heal and save anybody who chooses to follow Him.

<![CDATA[Castles, Pandas and Roses]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/castles-pandas-and-roses https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/castles-pandas-and-roses#When:13:35:00Z The greatest annual timeframe for gift-giving has just drawn to a close. It’s a time dedicated to remembering God’s precious gift by sharing gifts with each other.

<![CDATA[Editorial: January 2024]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-january-2024 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-january-2024#When:13:35:00Z Unlike those TV ads that say, “Offer good while supplies last,” God has an endless supply of love — enough for every human who has ever lived (John 3:16-17).

<![CDATA[Universal Donor]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/universal-donor https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/universal-donor#When:13:35:00Z We will be praying for you as you consider what gift you will give the Savior. Please contact us at service@afmonline.org, and we will help you.

<![CDATA[The Bridge of Redemption]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-bridge-of-redemption https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-bridge-of-redemption#When:13:35:00Z Please pray that God will use us to share Him and His truth with the people He is reaching through dreams.

<![CDATA[Grade-School Missionary]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/grade-school-missionary https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/grade-school-missionary#When:13:35:00Z God, grant us all such focused passion and determination to fulfill Jesus’ call to “Go into all the world” with the resources He has already given us.

<![CDATA[The Patience of the Saints]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-patience-of-the-saints https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-patience-of-the-saints#When:13:35:00Z Whether in good or hard times, with our eyes on the eternal prize, we commit to redoubling our efforts to bring the gospel to every unreached people group, for then the end will come, all human suffering will come to an end, and the need for hupomone is no more.

<![CDATA[Editorial: December 2023]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-december-2023 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-december-2023#When:13:35:00Z Imagine bringing hope and wholeness to a single life or a people group in 2024. Imagine becoming a missionary. Imagine reaching the unreached. Pray. Give. Go!

<![CDATA[I Am Thankful]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/i-am-thankful https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/i-am-thankful#When:13:35:00Z This time, when I look at all the lit apartments, rather than feeling sorry for myself, I see people in need, people desperate for someone to come and share the gospel, someone who will lead them to Jesus. That someone is me. That someone is you.

<![CDATA[Discovery Bible Study In 4 Easy Steps]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/discovery-bible-study-in-4-easy-steps https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/discovery-bible-study-in-4-easy-steps#When:13:35:00Z Try the Discovery Bible Study method. It can be an excellent tool for witnessing to others or personal or family devotions.

<![CDATA[The Gift of Thanks]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-gift-of-thanks https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-gift-of-thanks#When:13:35:00Z Perhaps you are experiencing a dark valley right now. Instead of pushing away those thoughts and feelings, express them to your heavenly Father. As you do, focus on Him: His character, actions and love. Gift Him your thanks.

<![CDATA[Editorial: November 2023]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-november-2023 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-november-2023#When:13:35:00Z God’s blessings to you and all whom you love.

<![CDATA[There is Hope]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/there-is-hope https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/there-is-hope#When:13:35:00Z As Christians, you and I have real hope. Hope for a future without pain, suffering and death. Hope that Jesus will make all things right. You and I can share this hope in Christ with those who do not yet know.

<![CDATA[Missionary Retreats]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/missionary-retreats https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/missionary-retreats#When:13:35:00Z True disciples do not ask, “Is what I am doing well received or popular?” Rather, they ask, “Am I being true to the One who sent me? Am I His faithful witness?

<![CDATA[Your Role in the Body]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/your-role-in-the-body https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/your-role-in-the-body#When:13:35:00Z Whatever your role in the body of Christ, labor with all your might.

<![CDATA[Editorial: October 2023]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-october-2023 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-october-2023#When:13:35:00Z Pray. God knows what you are facing. He knows what the best solution is. Trust Him.

<![CDATA[99]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/99 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/99#When:13:35:00Z Who will follow the Savior? Who will go? Will you?

<![CDATA[Miraculous Healing]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/miraculous-healing https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/miraculous-healing#When:13:35:00Z Is God moving you to help people from Muslim backgrounds? If so, go to the Dream Project at afmonline.org. Please keep us in your prayers that God will use us to share Him and His truth with the people He is reaching through dreams.

<![CDATA[They Answered the Call]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/they-answered-the-call https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/they-answered-the-call#When:13:35:00Z We thank God for every one of these young people who answered God’s call to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). We also thank you, their support team, for keeping them in your prayers as they embark on this new journey.

<![CDATA[Faith in Action]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/faith-in-action https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/faith-in-action#When:13:35:00Z Every aspect of AFM ministry depends on faithfulness—from missionaries to new believers among the unreached to donors who support the work, education of children, and AFM’s ministry. Faithfulness truly is a virtue. May the Lord bless all who possess it.

<![CDATA[Editorial: September 2023]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-september-2023 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-september-2023#When:13:35:00Z The further you deepen your relationship with Christ, the greater you will know the Answer. Then when you hear, “I don’t know what to do,” you may reply, “But I know the One who does. May we pray together for the answer?”

<![CDATA[Fundraising Blessings]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/fundraising-blessings https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/fundraising-blessings#When:13:35:00Z As you consider adopting a missionary, or if you are already giving to one, I encourage you to pray earnestly for them, send them letters of encouragement, and be prepared for God to change your life.

<![CDATA[The Most Unreached People In the World]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-most-unreached-people-in-the-world https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-most-unreached-people-in-the-world#When:13:35:00Z Will you go and share the gospel with one of the top unreached people groups?

<![CDATA[The History of Restoration in a Nutshell]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-history-of-restoration-in-a-nutshell https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-history-of-restoration-in-a-nutshell#When:13:35:00Z Please pray for Marian as she is starting to actively share what she is learning in anticipation of bringing joy and hope into the lives of people around her.

<![CDATA[A Certain Age]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-certain-age https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/a-certain-age#When:13:35:00Z The time has come for you and me to choose courage over fear, faith over doubt, and boldness over timidity. And we were born for this time.

<![CDATA[Missing In Action]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/missing-in-action https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/missing-in-action#When:13:35:00Z Will you be Found in Action? If you are called upon to give your life, will you be found right where you are supposed to be—in the palm of Jesus?

<![CDATA[I Will Be With You!]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/i-will-be-with-you2 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/i-will-be-with-you2#When:13:35:00Z The question is not whether you feel qualified. The question is, are you willing to let God qualify you for the position He has in mind for you? Fear not! He is able to make you capable. He will be with you.

<![CDATA[Heavenly meeting]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/heavenly-meeting https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/heavenly-meeting#When:13:35:00Z I hope and pray to meet all of you on that beautiful shore and that we will all continue to do everything we can to make it possible for many more to join us there.

<![CDATA[Editorial: June 2023]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-june-2023 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-june-2023#When:13:35:00Z All of these articles tied with heartstrings, these are a few of my favorite things.

<![CDATA[The Need is the Call]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-need-is-the-call https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-need-is-the-call#When:13:35:00Z God is calling for men who are willing to leave their farms, their business, if need be their families, to become missionaries for Him.

<![CDATA[Lights to the World]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/lights-to-the-world https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/lights-to-the-world#When:13:35:00Z Thank you for answering the call to be, and to support, modern-day missionaries who have answered the greatest call known to humanity — to represent the Light of the World, the Prince of Peace, in the spiritually dark and violent places of our world!

<![CDATA[Banana Victory]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/banana-victory https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/banana-victory#When:13:35:00Z AFM missionaries on projects across the 10/40 window are praying for opportunities such as this Overcomer’s Conference. Opportunities to share how victory in Jesus is possible. Opportunities for local people to choose and experience overcoming with the help of Jesus, even amid heavy temptations.

<![CDATA[Editorial: May 2023]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-may-2023 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-may-2023#When:13:35:00Z May we meet when Christ begins His new and glorious act.

<![CDATA[It is Now the Eleventh Hour]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/it-is-now-the-eleventh-hour https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/it-is-now-the-eleventh-hour#When:13:35:00Z Multitudes of languages, tongues, and peoples in the harvest fields await laborers. The Lord needs more workers among the Yadav Hindus in India, the Tonga Animists of Mozambique, the Muslims of the Maghreb, and many other people groups. Will you join us in answering His call to go and work in the vineyard?

<![CDATA[How Did Jesus Do It?]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/how-did-jesus-do-it https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/how-did-jesus-do-it#When:13:35:00Z Is God stirring you to help our Muslim brothers and sisters?

<![CDATA[700 Miles of Discipleship]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/700-miles-of-discipleship https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/700-miles-of-discipleship#When:13:35:00Z God hasn’t changed. And as we reach out to Him for guidance in how best to support His work, and whether or not that includes becoming missionaries or pledging to support them, He often allows us, as He did Paul, to make those decisions based on principle, then steps in to make minor corrections as we journey forward from there.

<![CDATA[Your Next Career Change]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/your-next-career-change https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/your-next-career-change#When:13:35:00Z As we empower you to become an effective worker in the gospel vineyard, you can have confidence, knowing you will go to the field prepared to successfully execute your task. Will you answer the call?

<![CDATA[The Miracle Text]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-miracle-text https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-miracle-text#When:13:35:00Z God is calling His people to go and share the everlasting gospel with the unreached people of the world.

<![CDATA[The Effect of Compounding]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-effect-of-compounding https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/the-effect-of-compounding#When:13:35:00Z Whether in planned giving or front-line mission service, the greatest compounding effect can only be achieved by starting now.

<![CDATA[Editorial: February 2023]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-february-2023 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/editorial-february-2023#When:13:35:00Z So, how about it? One year? Two years? As Jared Ratcliff shares, “Jesus has invested infinitely more time and love into us than we can do for another”

<![CDATA[Contrails]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/contrails https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/contrails#When:13:35:00Z Now is the only time we have. Tomorrow may be too late. There is a great need for missionaries willing to take the gospel to all people and for those who will sacrificially support them.

<![CDATA[Not Ashamed of the Gospel]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/not-ashamed-of-the-gospel https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/not-ashamed-of-the-gospel#When:13:35:00Z “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:16, NRSV).

<![CDATA[Have It All]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/have-it-all https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/have-it-all#When:13:35:00Z Your desire to serve does not have to end with that one year you spent overseas in college. It does not have to remain that dream job you wanted when you were six. You can travel across the world and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with people, seeing the love of God transform their lives for the better. Want to know how you can have it all?

<![CDATA[Expectations]]> https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/expectations2 https://afmonline.org/home-office-blog/detail/expectations2#When:13:35:00Z May the God of “all things good” be with you throughout this new year! 
