Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Simon Still Carries the Cross,Part 1

Simon Still Carries the Cross,Part 1

“I thought my cousin Moses was terribly sinful. Yet, all the while, I was smoking, gambling, drinking, and singing karaoke. We sparred over religion all the time. I went with Moses to church, too. At church, I met a Khmer ASAP church planter named Sovanak, and started wanting to learn more.”

As Told to Joshua Lewis
April 1st, 2023

Image for Lessons in Patience

Lessons in Patience

A sense of peace came over me as I stood in the shade of the mango tree. God, You’ve got things under control.

Stephen Erickson
April 1st, 2023

Image for Unlikely Lights

Unlikely Lights

I am looking forward to our next prayer appointment. God is good all of the time, and He showed me that we should be an unlikely light every day.

Rene Theunissen
April 1st, 2023

Image for Checking for Understanding

Checking for Understanding

Transmission of knowledge is only a small part of the process of teaching and, thus, only a small part of the process of making disciples.

Jared Wright
April 1st, 2023

Image for Deep Darkness

Deep Darkness

So many still live in deep darkness, fearing people that may eat them.

Leonda George
April 1st, 2023

Image for Stepping on the Enemy’s Territory

Stepping on the Enemy’s Territory

Relief was not instant, but peace settled in as soon as I chose to trust His will no matter how things turned out.

Diana Vasile
April 1st, 2023

Image for Homeless Rafael Receives a Roof

Homeless Rafael Receives a Roof

Each time we bring food, Edie reads the Bible and prays with Rafael, who listens very attentively and thanks Edie for worshiping with him. Lana also joins the prayer. We believe Rafael is almost ready for Bible studies.

David Hicks
April 1st, 2023

Image for 13th Sabbath Celebration

13th Sabbath Celebration

Please pray for our churches to continue growing together in the grace of God and reaching outward to our communities.

Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
April 1st, 2023

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