It’s been 14 years since God called us to plant a church in Orlando Florida for the unreached, a place where people could feel Christ’s love and acceptance. He called us to establish a center of influence in a local low-income community where we would have the opportunity to meet the needs of the people and teach the gospel of Christ. With God’s guidance we have been able to provide school supplies to over 400 children for the past 8 years, plant a community garden for 250 families, and begin educational programs. Light House Communities mission is to reflect the love of Jesus Christ to our community and praise God we have been able to do just that.
God has called us out to plant another church/center of influence where the light of the cross is needed. My wife Eileen and I along with our two children, Abigail and Levi have been praying for God to lead us to where He would like us to go since we knew God was calling us out, but we just didn’t know to where. When we came to AFM we saw the need was great all over the world, and that there were places in which Adventist churches were not present. One of those places is southern Croatia where less than 1% are Adventist, and in a country with a population of 4.1 million there are only 80 Adventist churches located in the northern region. My family and I will be sent to the southern region of Croatia, where there is no Adventist influence, to share the light of the gospel with a people group that needs the hope of Christ.
We have now been living in Croatia for over 2 years and are in the process of planting a community center. Thank you for your prayers and support in this journey.
Each day, at least one person from our community reached out to check on us, facetimed us or prayed with us.
Eileen Cardona
March 01 2025, 11:31 am | Comments 0
Although life in Florida is wonderful and filled with so many people we love, we count the days until we return to Croatia, our second home, as we prepare ourselves and others for heaven, our final home.
Eileen Cardona
January 01 2025, 2:58 pm | Comments 0
These past few months have reminded us that tomorrow is not guaranteed so we should be zealous to share Jesus with others and let us hold tight to the days we have with our loved ones.
Eileen Cardona
December 01 2024, 10:32 am | Comments 0
As we prepare to leave on furlough, we are leaving behind so much, but we know that we are leaving the center in great hands.
Eileen Cardona
November 01 2024, 9:52 am | Comments 0
We feel at home in Florida and Dubrovnik, and these next few months will be filled with many emotions.
Gabriel Cardona
October 01 2024, 3:31 pm | Comments 0