A New Life in Christ

Image for A New Life in Christ

One of the most fulfilling things in life for me is completing something. It could be anything from finishing a book to accomplishing a goal or even completing a puzzle. It gives me great satisfaction while motivating me to take on more challenging tasks and helping me to stay focused. It also helps me appreciate the value of hard work. However, there is one completion that surpasses all others in terms of fulfillment and significance—giving my life to Christ.

Accepting Jesus as my Savior and surrendering my life to Him brought a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment that I could not find in any other task. It was a life-changing experience that enabled me to live a life committed to helping others and positively impacting the world while satisfying the deepest longings of my heart—longings that God implants in each of us. We become vessels for Him, helping guide others in discovering their own relationship with Jesus—a privilege and responsibility just as fulfilling as giving our own life to Christ.

When my family and I moved to our new project in Sierra Leone, Kono, I taught a Sabbath School youth class filled with eager and curious pre-teens and teenagers. It was a humbling experience to witness their desire for knowledge and to know who God is. Every week, we explored Bible stories and discussed how they relate to our daily lives.

Witnessing the delight on their faces when they made new discoveries and found solace in the promises of God was a great experience. But it was not just about teaching them lessons from the Bible; it was about being a role model and showing them what it means to live a life of faith.

Through Pathfinders, we engaged in activities that promoted kindness, compassion and empathy toward others. We would choose a day in the week, often a weekend, to visit a church member’s home and help them with whatever they needed. We would also schedule weekly Bible studies at one of the youths’ houses. The youths were learning about Jesus, experiencing His love through action, and discovering that faith is not just something you talk about on Sabbath but something that should influence every aspect of life. Thanks to these activities, almost all the youths advanced to the baptismal class and dedicated themselves to Jesus Christ on the Sabbath before we arrived in the U.S.

One girl, in particular, went through the most notable transformation. In a goodbye letter, she wrote that she was not doing well in school before the class started and was planning on dropping out. However, our class and Pathfinders brought her hope. She began to work hard at school and improved her attitude. She also developed a strong moral compass and started making better choices in her personal life. Unfortunately, she wrote that she did not think she could keep growing without our guidance. It broke my heart to read those words, knowing how far she had come and the potential she had to continue thriving. Before leaving, I assured her that distance should not diminish her strength and hope academically and in the church, that I was simply a vessel used by God to guide her, and that He was her source of hope and strength.

The joy from witnessing these young people discover the love and grace of Jesus was immeasurable, filling my soul and my family with a sense of purpose that no worldly accomplishment can replicate. Every moment spent sharing the gospel, praying with them, and walking alongside them in their spiritual journey was a testament to God’s transformative power. It was an honor to be entrusted with such a sacred task, knowing that we played a part in shaping their eternal life. The impact goes far beyond this earthly field; it reaches into eternity. Anyone, no matter who they are or what they have done, can be used to transform someone’s life. It is not about our own abilities or qualifications but rather about allowing God to use us as open vessels for His love and grace to flow through. It is a beautiful reminder that we are all connected as children of God, regardless of our backgrounds or past mistakes.

As we walk alongside others in their spiritual journey, we offer support, encouragement and guidance based on the truth of God’s Word. We should understand that transformation takes time and patience and commit to standing by their side every step of the way. Through our actions and words, we should strive to reflect Christ’s love and compassion, showing others the way to a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Our ultimate goal is not just to lead people toward temporary change but rather toward a deep and lasting relationship with God that will impact their lives for eternity.

Seeing people find their true identity in Christ, with lives transformed and hearts healed, dedicating their lives to God and serving Him, is an indescribable blessing. It is a privilege to be used as an instrument of God’s love and grace, bringing hope to lost and broken people. It is like completing a puzzle or finishing a book, but the feeling is magnified.
