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Image for Editorial: Children’s Edition 2024

Editorial: Children’s Edition 2024

Who knows where God may take you someday! Maybe Jesus will send you to the frontiers of mission service!

Kyle Tumberg
June 1st, 2024

Image for It Is Their Right

It Is Their Right

“There is no line of work in which it is possible for the youth to receive greater benefit. All who engage in ministry are God’s helping hand.”

Ellen G. White
May 1st, 2024

Image for A Tapestry of Prayer

A Tapestry of Prayer

The picture is not complete without you!

Erin White
May 1st, 2024

Image for Prayer — The Oxygen of Mission

Prayer — The Oxygen of Mission

Please unite with AFM missionaries in prayer for the unreached so that they may one day experience the joy of salvation and walk humbly with God.

Conrad Vine
May 1st, 2024

Image for Editorial: May 2024

Editorial: May 2024

As God moves on your heart to support AFM missionaries, can you trace the action God took in answer to your petitions?

Bryan Hill
May 1st, 2024

Image for Give Your Best

Give Your Best

Scripture invites us to give God “unblemished offerings,” our “first fruits,” and our best. God gave the best He had when He sent His Son to an obscure, sin-filled planet. His example should challenge us when we look at the billions of people sitting in spiritual darkness and sin in far-off lands.

Kyle Tumberg
April 1st, 2024

Image for Where is Your Accent From?

Where is Your Accent From?

I invite you to behold the Lamb.

Jephthae Campbell
April 1st, 2024

Image for Persons of Peace

Persons of Peace

Please pray for our missionaries to cast a wide relational net and for wisdom to discern the true motives of the people they encounter.

Jack Bowers
April 1st, 2024

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