About the People
About 150,000 Otammari live in Northern Benin and Togo. They are famous for their masonry and their traditional homes that resemble mud castles. Most are subsistence farmers and hunters.
Illiteracy is high among this group. Many people only read French, the administrative language of Benin. Very few can read or write their heart language, Ditammari. Most cling to animism and ancestor worship and have resisted both Islam and Christianity. Each household has a family altar called the fetish, where the father of the household makes sacrifices and appeals to the spirits of the ancestors. Participation in initiation ceremonies is of the highest importance for teenage boys and girls.
The whole Bible is translated into Ditammari, but it is out of print. However, the Holy Spirit is moving among these people who have traditionally been extremely resistant to outsiders. Evangelical Christians of several denominations have noticed a dramatic change in their openness in recent years.
About the Project
AFM missionaries have been ministering to the Otammari people since Linden and Michelle St. Clair launched the project in 1996. Today, Ulrike Baur-Kouato leads the project, assisted by her husband Toussaint and three local evangelists. They are working to nurture the church in Natitingou and a growing number of groups in surrounding villages. Suzy Baldwin worked on the Otammari Project for many years and now serves on the Pendjari Project.
People-Group Facts
- Population: 150,000
- Language: Ditammari
- Religion: Animist
Many of you tasted the Ottammari bean balls I made at last year’s mission rally in Michigan. So many of you have asked me how to make bean balls that I am going to give you the recipe.
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
June 01 2002, 3:51 pm | Comments 0
When you think you are in over your head, just remember that God puts us in these situations to teach us to rely on Him for our wisdom and strength.
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
May 01 2002, 3:55 pm | Comments 0
In the interest of time, we decided to present a shortened version of the first day to the men who had gathered. We had lots of interaction and comments.
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
May 01 2002, 3:53 pm | Comments 0
I am often faced with the question of how to minister to the single men in our town when they come asking questions about spiritual things.
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
February 02 2002, 3:58 pm | Comments 0
There are so many waiting to hear the good news that they have a Savior. You may be the very person God is calling to reach those people.
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
February 01 2002, 3:56 pm | Comments 0
I first met Jan last year in an adult education class. In the months that followed, I passed her work-place often en route to do email. I occasionally stopped to talk to her. I also gave her a few small booklets.
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
January 01 2002, 4:01 pm | Comments 0
It was a nice warm day—somewhere over 100 degrees. It was the harmattan, the dry hot season of the year, and I was off to stay in a village for a couple of days to observe Ottammari culture. At 8 a.m., I started packing my stuff on the back of the motorcycle.
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
December 10 2001, 4:02 pm | Comments 0
You are the ones who keep each one of us out in the field with your prayers and financial support. Please don’t ever think that you are not important!
Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
October 01 2001, 4:06 pm | Comments 0