
  • Pre-Entry
  • Pre-Evangelism
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Phase-Out
  • Completed

About the People

About 150,000 Otammari live in Northern Benin and Togo. They are famous for their masonry and their traditional homes that resemble mud castles. Most are subsistence farmers and hunters.

Illiteracy is high among this group. Many people only read French, the administrative language of Benin. Very few can read or write their heart language, Ditammari. Most cling to animism and ancestor worship and have resisted both Islam and Christianity. Each household has a family altar called the fetish, where the father of the household makes sacrifices and appeals to the spirits of the ancestors. Participation in initiation ceremonies is of the highest importance for teenage boys and girls.

The whole Bible is translated into Ditammari, but it is out of print. However, the Holy Spirit is moving among these people who have traditionally been extremely resistant to outsiders. Evangelical Christians of several denominations have noticed a dramatic change in their openness in recent years.

About the Project

AFM missionaries have been ministering to the Otammari people since Linden and Michelle St. Clair launched the project in 1996. Today, Ulrike Baur-Kouato leads the project, assisted by her husband Toussaint and three local evangelists. They are working to nurture the church in Natitingou and a growing number of groups in surrounding villages. Suzy Baldwin worked on the Otammari Project for many years and now serves on the Pendjari Project.

People-Group Facts

  • Population: 150,000
  • Language: Ditammari
  • Religion: Animist

Frontier Stories

Spiritual Showdown

For several months, we had been praying for Sika, and now the crucial moment had come.

By: Suzy Baldwin
July 01 2014, 10:54 am | Comments 0


Kouagou grew up in an animistic home with some Catholic influence.

By: Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
June 01 2014, 10:49 am | Comments 0

The “Cursed” Bibles

Once again, we were sitting on the cement benches in the concrete study hut behind Toussaint and Uli’s house. It was Monday, and as we often do, we were discussing various issues relating to evangelism and church life here in Natitingou.

By: Jason Harral
June 01 2014, 10:45 am | Comments 0


One day, I decided it would be nice to have some honey. I asked around the villages, but everyone told me it wasn’t honey season yet.

By: Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
May 01 2014, 12:38 pm | Comments 0

An Answer to Prayer

One Friday night, at the singing and testimonies program in the Natitingou church, a lady stood up to speak. She doesn’t give testimonies very often, so I wondered what she would say.

By: Maggi Harral
May 01 2014, 12:37 pm | Comments 0


For months we had been working towards this event, and now it was finally here. We were anxious and happy at the same time.

By: Ulrike Baur
May 01 2014, 12:27 pm | Comments 0

The Health Fair

For the past couple of months, I have been teaching about health in our Monday training meetings.

By: Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
April 01 2014, 10:29 am | Comments 0


Where do you turn when you need help? Whom do you trust in times of crisis?

By: Ulrike & Toussaint Baur-Kouato
April 01 2014, 10:26 am | Comments 0

Wrapping Up Our First Term in Benin

As we approach our first furlough, a wide range of thoughts, memories and emotions have been surging through us.

By: Jason Harral
April 01 2014, 10:23 am | Comments 0

Steered by God

I drove our motorcycle down a dusty road, thanking the Lord for His mercy.

By: Jason Harral
March 01 2014, 4:04 pm | Comments 0

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