
  • Pre-Entry
  • Pre-Evangelism
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Phase-Out
  • Completed

About the People

Approximately 3.5 million strong, the Malinke have spread across much of West Africa. There are populations of Malinke in Guinea, Senegal, and other countries, including Mali. Almost 100 percent of the Malinke people are of the Muslim faith. Kangaba, Mali, is a very significant place to the Malinke people. In the 1200s, a great king known as Sundiata Keita (the original Lion King) raised the Malian empire to greatness. Sundiata Keita made Kangaba his capital and built a sacred hut there that still stands today. Kangaba was known as the seat of the Malian empire’s spiritual power.

Imagine living your life in fear of the evil eye and other spiritual forces. Imagine living in a country twice the size of Texas, but with only three Seventh-Day Adventist churches. Imagine living your whole life in such spiritual darkness that you never hear the name of Jesus spoken. Such is the lot of the Malinke of Mali.

About the Project

Since 1996, there has been an Adventist Frontier Mission project located in Kangaba, Mali. Phillip and Naomi Polley, with their children, spent 12 years nurturing relationships among the Malinke. Homer and Debbie Curry, with their family, also spent some years in Kangaba. The efforts of these families bore fruit. For a time, there was a small company of believers worshiping every Sabbath in Kangaba. Although both families returned to the States in 2007, they left behind many valuable resources, including a complete set of Bible studies produced in Bambara, the local language, and audio Bible stories recorded in Bambara and French. Neil and Holly Lovitt also served on this project from 2008-2016. Now the Tooray family, just finishing up their training, will continue the work in Kangaba.

People-Group Facts

  • Population: 3.5 million
  • Language: Malinke
  • Religion: Islam

Frontier Stories

Growing in Faith

“Lord willing, I plan to get baptized during the camporee.”

By: Lilly Miller
June 01 2024, 8:25 am | Comments 0

A Christmas Miracle

The idea grew from plans for a small gathering with some community leaders at our house on Christmas to a meeting attended by the entire Kangaba SDA church and 10 community leaders.

By: Seth Miller
April 01 2024, 9:10 am | Comments 0

The Bonds of Love and Support

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a grateful heart. I thank you for the gifts of family and friends and the bonds of love and support that unite us.

By: George Tooray
April 01 2024, 9:06 am | Comments 0

Visiting the Neighbors

This week, I learned how to say, “Ala ka shi ni keneya di I ma,” which means, “May God grant you long life and prosperity.”

By: Seth Miller
March 01 2024, 1:58 pm | Comments 0

Deliverance Ministry

They tried catching up with her, but she was too fast — until she fell again.

By: George Tooray
March 01 2024, 1:36 pm | Comments 0

Do You Want to Go Down or Up?

The Bible says, “All things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Alleluia!

By: George Tooray
February 01 2024, 2:45 pm | Comments 0

Rural Women

If we win the women, we may win whole families for the Lord.

By: Theresa Tooray
January 01 2024, 9:14 am | Comments 0

An Ear Full

He blasted the water into Zeremy’s ear, and we all were shocked at what came out!

By: Sonya Miller
January 01 2024, 8:54 am | Comments 0

Qualifying the Called

I felt unqualified, but the Lord qualified me, teaching me so much.

By: Bianca Nleya
December 01 2023, 11:34 am | Comments 0

Saved to Serve

May God bless you for your prayers and generous donations.

By: Seth Miller
December 01 2023, 11:31 am | Comments 0

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