About the People
Approximately 3.5 million strong, the Malinke have spread across much of West Africa. There are populations of Malinke in Guinea, Senegal, and other countries, including Mali. Almost 100 percent of the Malinke people are of the Muslim faith. Kangaba, Mali, is a very significant place to the Malinke people. In the 1200s, a great king known as Sundiata Keita (the original Lion King) raised the Malian empire to greatness. Sundiata Keita made Kangaba his capital and built a sacred hut there that still stands today. Kangaba was known as the seat of the Malian empire’s spiritual power.
Imagine living your life in fear of the evil eye and other spiritual forces. Imagine living in a country twice the size of Texas, but with only three Seventh-Day Adventist churches. Imagine living your whole life in such spiritual darkness that you never hear the name of Jesus spoken. Such is the lot of the Malinke of Mali.
About the Project
Since 1996, there has been an Adventist Frontier Mission project located in Kangaba, Mali. Phillip and Naomi Polley, with their children, spent 12 years nurturing relationships among the Malinke. Homer and Debbie Curry, with their family, also spent some years in Kangaba. The efforts of these families bore fruit. For a time, there was a small company of believers worshiping every Sabbath in Kangaba. Although both families returned to the States in 2007, they left behind many valuable resources, including a complete set of Bible studies produced in Bambara, the local language, and audio Bible stories recorded in Bambara and French. Neil and Holly Lovitt also served on this project from 2008-2016. Now the Tooray family, just finishing up their training, will continue the work in Kangaba.
People-Group Facts
- Population: 3.5 million
- Language: Malinke
- Religion: Islam
Please pray for God to change their hearts and that they repent of their occult activities and surrender their lives to Christ.
George Tooray
December 01 2023, 11:19 am | Comments 0
So the load surged on me. Taoule sent me money, but I needed his presence, encouragement, assistance, words of relief, tenderness and protection.
George & Theresa Tooray
November 01 2023, 11:12 am | Comments 0
God used Brother Seth in answer to everyone’s persevering prayers. Praise God! Please pray for sister Aminata to continue in her spiritual growth.
Theresa Tooray
September 01 2023, 10:24 am | Comments 0
We are thankful for God bringing George into our life. Since he started helping us, we have made better progress in language learning.
Seth Miller
September 01 2023, 10:20 am | Comments 0
Please pray that we will quickly learn the local language, Bambara, so that God can use us in greater ways here. Thank you for partnering with us to bring smiles to the sick and injured.
Seth Miller
July 01 2023, 9:17 am | Comments 0
We praise God for this opportunity and pray that He will use us to reveal the wonderful love of Jesus to the people in Manikura.
Seth & Sonya Miller
May 01 2023, 11:08 am | Comments 0
Please join me in praying for Kalilou. I would like to see a happy end to his story. He could see, like Saul, that this Jesus he is fighting against is the LORD of all and the only One that can help him.
Seth Miller with Fernand Bonnet
April 01 2023, 10:20 am | Comments 0
Abdullah acknowledges that a life spent in the mines is dangerous, with many nefarious activities.
George Tooray
April 01 2023, 10:18 am | Comments 0
Please join us and the brothers and sisters of the congregation in prayer for Sister Mariam, Brother Yaya and the many who regularly face intimidation and persecution.
George Tooray
December 01 2022, 4:31 pm | Comments 0
No act of kindness shown in His name will fail to be recognized and rewarded.
George Tooray
November 01 2022, 8:58 am | Comments 0