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A fresh start. The beginning of each year has people thinking about new possibilities and making resolutions with the hope of a better future. People start diets, begin exercising or join new clubs. Weight loss, career change or new relationships captivate the minds of many. Have you made a New…

Enjoying English and Knots

Sometimes, I miss being a Pathfinder. My childhood memories are full of honors, club campouts, hiking trips, time in nature and time in a van, and miracles of God experienced with my Pathfinder club. Sometimes, as a mom with children who don’t have access to a Pathfinder or Adventurer club,…

Count the Cost

Being a missionary requires sacrifice, including not being with family during seasons of challenge, pain and joy, those moments that can unite families and grow relationships. When deciding to be a missionary, one must count these costs. While on furlough, we have returned to see our families in Argentina (Cris)…

Unfamiliar? Strange? Suspicious?

The task of our ministry is not only to communicate the gospel but to do so in a way that makes the good news of salvation through Christ relatable, understandable and appealing to Muslims. God’s grace calls each of them to the feet of Jesus, both those who hunger and…

A Bug with a Message

One warm Sabbath morning, while doing a Discovery Bible Study with the Pnong community in one of our nearby villages, a young boy named Davee approached me with a gleam of excitement in his eyes. His tiny, dirty hands held a rhinoceros beetle, a creature both majestic and mysterious. He…

Purposeful Prayer

A recent inconvenience reinforced the fact that we have a prayer-answering God! While we pray daily for many aspects of our project and the individuals we are working with, we sometimes forget to pray to meet new people. Recently, I began praying for God to connect us with someone new…

Leaving Behind

Serving Christ and His children is a privilege and an honor. Yet, serving often requires sacrifice, and part of that sacrifice is learning to “leave behind.” When I began this journey to serve as a missionary, I realized just how much I clung to the comforts of my everyday life.…

Crazy or Committed?

“What? Are they nuts?” I exclaimed as I drove past a couple of ladies who were out exercising in Southwest Michigan. While wearing full-body exercise outfits and reflective vests, they both were holding an umbrella in front of their faces to block the gusty 47-degree wind and rain. “Why would…

Introducing the Kitchings

I have always wanted to be a missionary, and Nakwan (Kwan) has always wanted to be a Pastor. God has given us the opportunity to do both. Kwan grew up in New York. He knew God had called him to the ministry from the tender age of ten. As a…

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