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A Generation That Does Not Know Christ

In Judges 2:10, we find one of the most heartbreaking verses in Scripture: “Another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.” Despite all that God had done to lead His people into the Promised Land, a generation emerged…

Reimagining Home

“What drives the science of attachment is the fact that through our first attachments, for better or for worse, we learn about the world. What makes the science personally compelling is that it is a love story. It is not just any love story; rather, it is the story of…

Bible Studies With Keturah

“Since we’ve started studying the Bible together, I’m able to trust God more and worry less,” Keturah said to our short-term missionaries. “For example, I have a work-related exam coming up. I’m usually worried about these exams. But this time, I’m trusting God to help me do my best.” Keturah…

On a Hill Far Away

Planting banana trees on a farm in Cambodia is a rewarding yet challenging experience, especially when done on a steep hill. The unique demands of planting on such terrain offer us profound spiritual lessons about perseverance, faith and care for our brethren. Growing banana trees on a steep hillside is…

Interval Training—Missionary Style

“Row! Row! Row!” The oarsmen in the dragon canoes stroked in keeping with the cadence as they propelled themselves up the Ta Pi River, about five minutes from our house. I watched them intently while Duang listened to the life story of a middle-aged woman resting on a bench at…

Magic Words

“We have words that can control the weather,” my local friend stated. I had read about this before. Historically, the Gogodala believed—and some still believe—that if certain words are spoken, they will bring a desired outcome, like catching fish, removing someone’s strength from them, winning a game, getting a good…


Sobbing so hard she could hardly speak, the young woman poured out her grief. She described in unshrouded words the anguish she had felt at finding out that she was pregnant. She told how, in her distress, she took toxic herbs, beat her belly and ran and ran and ran.…

Two Invitations

“It’s almost Christmas, right?” my friend excitedly asked me when we met on our walk one morning. “Yes! Are you still coming to the Christmas program?” The local church would be sharing the gospel with nonbelievers through the story of Jesus’ birth. “Yes!” she replied enthusiastically. Now that was encouraging.…

The Bridge

I came upon a bridge spanning a great chasm. As I was about to cross, I saw no guardrails to protect me from falling far below, and I could not see the end of the bridge. Where was it leading? Somehow I knew I must cross. Sensing it would be…

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