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Open Our Eyes

That’s a huge container in little hands!” I muttered as the sound of their tiny steps beyond the open door got louder. “What is inside it?” Their footsteps, puttering closer toward the front, peeked my imagination. Their smiles soon captivated my heart, and my uncertainty ebbed away like mist. Three…

Organic Connections

It always begins with a nod or hello, the first impression is most important. Making friends in your late 30s or early 40s is not fun. In fact, you almost have to revert to a child-like attitude if you ever want to make a new friend. My son runs into…


“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy,” says God in Exodus 20:8 (NIV). Since creation, the Lord has marked the seventh day of the week as special, holy and full of His blessings. A day made for us: to rest, to connect more with God, to gather as a…

Making Friends

Moving is always hard. New place, new people, new sounds, new life. And it seems the older you get, the harder it is to make friends (at least for me). Growing up, I always made friends by proximity: church, Pathfinders, school, etc. After college, the process of making friends has…

Hearing His Call

Homeschool practicums don’t have a great reputation for being too exciting, but I was ready for a day with a friend, spending time with homeschool moms and taking a break from the responsibilities of children. The topic of the day was being the salt of the earth. During a break,…

Life and Hope

A few days ago, Cindy received a text saying some friends of ours were in the hospital. They were riding their bike when a vehicle slammed into them from behind. The local hospital was not equipped to care for their injuries, so they were flown to the trauma center in…

The Best Examination

Abdul sat in his chair, anxiously watching his teacher rise from his desk. Glancing from student to student, Abdul’s teacher, Abraham, stood in front of the class. “You were supposed to memorize your verses. Today we will have another test to see how well you did.” Most students looked unconcerned;…

Fulfilling the Great Commission: AFM takes the gospel around the globe

As we look around our world today, we see economic, political, social, moral and environmental decay. No nation or community is immune. Institutions are failing. National identities are collapsing. Public trust is vanishing. Regional wars are increasing. Mainstream media warns daily of an impending World War III among nuclear protagonists.…

Faithful Servants

Editor’s note: The following is based on a sermon by James Petty, AFM Planned Giving Specialist. There was once a man descended from a royal house who needed to make a long trip back to headquarters to get authorization for his rule and then return. But first, he called ten…

Be Inspired!

Inspiration can come in many forms and motivate one to create a piece of artwork or become physically fit or quit a job or pause one’s education, pack belongings, leave family and move across the globe. Why do something so radical? In short, to share the love of Jesus with…

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