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Pitcairn Game

It was Sabbath afternoon, and both youths named Abraham were looking for something to do. I looked up the Pitcairn game through the EGW Estate and thought that since my Abraham can read some English, they could try and play. But when I got to the website, I was pleasantly…

Rainy Season

Using temperature and climate as metrics, Mali has three distinct climate zones: the warm desert, the semi-arid zone in the north, and the tropical Savannah in the south. The climate is also divided into three seasons: the dry season from March through June, the rainy season from June until the…

Give Me My Neck!

“Me and you—this has finished!” The fire in Fatima’s voice could not overpower the pathos of her soul. “You ruined my life. Give me my neck! Things are no more between us.” Fatima glared at her Christian husband. Dawoud’s heart ached as he heard these words from his wife. It…

Peanut Butter, an Answer to Prayer!

While sitting at the breakfast table, praying and thinking, I found the answer staring me in the face. Actually, it was in my mouth. It was peanut butter. As I have written in the past, God has been helping me start a soap industry to provide local believers with employment…

Hope in the Lord

Years ago, at vacation Bible school, my children enthusiastically sang these words: “My hope is in the Lord; I belong to Him. He will never let me go-o-o-o. My hope is in the Lord; I’ll depend on Him. My hope is in the Lord.” Their happy, upbeat singing lifted spirits…

Journey of the Curious Youth: How One Study Changed My Life

The sun was already burning brightly in Nhamaxaxa when Alexandre, a teenager with a restless look and quick steps, saw movement at his grandmother’s house. There were young strangers, carrying Bibles and smiling easily, gathered in the living room with his cousins, engaged in conversations that seemed too serious for…

Enemy Attacks

With a heart full of joy and with thanks for the spiritual and financial faithfulness of many supporters, we began career missionary training on September 2, 2024. Together, we have embarked upon this journey and anticipate reaching the Animists of Central Africa with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Throughout training,…

Fanta, the Precious Gift: The Extraordinary Transformation in the Life of a Young Girl

As citizens of Sierra Leone working in Guinea, we often crossed borders for project business. Since my mom owned a two-story house in Sierra Leone, we would stay there whenever we visited. My uncle Foday, his wife Ramatu and their family occupied the downstairs while the upper apartment was left…

Discipleship and Deliverance

The spiritual fight in the mission field is deeper and more far-reaching than anything we can imagine. God wants to save as many as possible. Meanwhile, the devil is inflicting on people as much pain, suffering and death as he can. A lot of people in Guinea-Bissau are victims of…

Two Toilets on My Sabbath Tablecloth

We have a few funny stories about searching for a toilet without knowing the word for toilet. Don’t worry, though—this isn’t one of them. This is simply a story of gratitude for something I have taken for granted. You see, our toilet was . . . malfunctioning. Among its other…

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