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Image for “Normal Day—Let Me Be Aware of the Treasure You Are.”

“Normal Day—Let Me Be Aware of the Treasure You Are.”

As we sit and discuss matters together, my eyes often drift to this plaque and I wonder, So, what exactly is a normal day?

Conrad Vine
March 1st, 2013

Image for The Unseen Legacy

The Unseen Legacy

The medal was a great honor, and the family did not have any knowledge of it until that day.

James Petty
February 1st, 2013

Image for Editorial: February 2013

Editorial: February 2013

“All to Jesus I surrender . . .” How many times have we sung the words of that song—sometimes absentmindedly, sometimes in deep reverence and consecration?

Bill Fagal
February 1st, 2013

Image for Not In Vain

Not In Vain

A few words into the conversation, my mind suddenly snapped clear, and my body froze. “John Lello is dead.”

Conrad Vine
January 1st, 2013

Image for Editorial: January 2013

Editorial: January 2013

In the midst of our tears, we are also rejoicing with six (!) AFM families who have given birth in recent weeks—the Greenfields, Harrals, Dosses, Hentons, Williamses and Plohockys!

Bill Fagal
January 1st, 2013

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