Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Pekwe Burning

Pekwe Burning

Screams and shouts filled the air as villagers rushed for safety. Some ran to their canoes and paddled downriver. Others ran into the jungle to hide in their gardens.

Keren Lawrence
February 1st, 2020

Image for Making Friends

Making Friends

We look forward to seeing how the Lord will use the River family to bring Christ to the Sinim people. Please pray for the River family as they become bright lights in a darkened land.

Diane Hooker
February 1st, 2020

Image for Wouldn’t Change a Thing

Wouldn’t Change a Thing

God has already won. He has all power and authority. He daily opens doors to meaningful spiritual conversations with our tutors and friends, which often lead to deeper Bible study.

Eric Tirado
February 1st, 2020

Image for The Cleansing

The Cleansing

I smiled as I realized that God would also use Ryan to help shed light on the path of these precious people, so young in their understanding and faith.

Veronica Nicholaides
February 1st, 2020

Image for God’s Plan

God’s Plan

This family we helped years ago who seemed uninterested in receiving the gospel were now opening their hearts and home so that they could hear the life-giving words of Jesus.

Leonda George
February 1st, 2020

Image for Meet Cherry

Meet Cherry

Please pray that God would continue to guide and bless them as they seek to minister to the hurting and wounded people of this city.

Kyle Tumberg
February 1st, 2020

Image for Christmas in the Jungle

Christmas in the Jungle

As the children arrived for school and began singing praises to God, their voices drowned out the drumming.

Seth Miller
February 1st, 2020

Image for Gifts from God

Gifts from God

Maybe you, dear friends, have been our actual training. Through your love, you taught us how we can be gifts of God here where the European and Asian worlds meet, in the land of hospitality, traffic chaos and boisterous music. Please pray that we can rise to the challenge!

Anne Troy
February 1st, 2020

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