Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Every Step of the Way

Every Step of the Way

When our time at the hotel was over and we were checking out, we looked at the bill and were pleasantly surprised. The hotel had only charged us for Cara and my meals and hadn’t charged anything for the kids! We left feeling blessed, refreshed and ready to start working again! I want to say thank you to each one of you who were praying for us! God blessed and provided what we needed every step of the way.

Daniel Greenfield
July 1st, 2021

Image for Balancing Mother’s Day 

Balancing Mother’s Day 

Sometimes it is a conflicting, heart-breaking balance, meeting the needs of your family while trying to be an example of Jesus to others. 

Joshua Lewis
July 1st, 2021

Image for Chiruh


Apparently, I’m caring for a patient who is hated by many in our neighborhood. Will this taint my reputation? Will others refuse to associate with me because I’ve been helping Chiruh?

Carly Tirado
July 1st, 2021

Image for A Thousand Villages Like Them

A Thousand Villages Like Them

It was hard saying good-bye knowing that in this uncertain world, anything can happen, but we trust that God will continue to protect them and provide for their needs. We also trust that when we visit again, there will be those who are opening their hearts to Jesus.

Leonda George
July 1st, 2021

Image for God’s Work Inspires

God’s Work Inspires

Because of your prayers and support, they have come to know hope after years of knowing despair.

Claudette Aleman
July 1st, 2021

Image for Saving Livi

Saving Livi

My prayer is that the stories of Jesus that Livi heard will forever change the course of her life and that she will ask Jesus for that living water!

Seth & Sonya Miller
July 1st, 2021

Image for Edie’s Little Helpers

Edie’s Little Helpers

Our hearts yearn for these children and their parents. We want them to learn to love Jesus. Please keep Leo, Lina, and the other children in your prayers.

Edie Hicks
June 1st, 2021

Image for The Runaway Bulldozer

The Runaway Bulldozer

My blade kept me from turning over, but I continued to slide down the hill and back over the gate bump. There was a road at the bottom of the driveway and across the street was one of the teacher’s houses. Would I hit someone or something?

Cara Greenfield
June 1st, 2021

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