Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Basket Blessing

Basket Blessing

It was not easy for this couple to decide to follow Christ. They are challenged daily as they stand firm for divine principles.

Cristian & Solange Jara
January 1st, 2022

Image for When God Changes Your Plans!

When God Changes Your Plans!

God is always bringing people our way. We just need to be open to see where He is at work and join Him.

Claudette Aleman
January 1st, 2022

Image for A Time for Everything

A Time for Everything

Whether they were for him or against him, the people of Kangaba were very touched by his sudden death and many reflected on the fragility of life.

George & Theresa Tooray
January 1st, 2022

Image for “Mom, Do You Know We Are Homeless?”

“Mom, Do You Know We Are Homeless?”

“Sweetheart, having a house is good, but making a home is the best. Our home is in heaven. We are all strangers on this planet. So, even if we don’t own our own home, we must at least appreciate what God is doing on our behalf and for others.”

Isatta Coker
January 1st, 2022

Image for Clarisse Revisited

Clarisse Revisited

Although we did not realize it earlier that day, God sent an angel to return Clarisse to us for deliverance.

Suzy & Fidel Baldwin-Noutehou
January 1st, 2022

Image for Dani


By the grace of God and through your support and prayers, our community service club will supply packages of food staples to those in greatest need and add some produce grown by local micro-farms.

Sean Mays
December 1st, 2021

Image for Nary


Nary’s life has been a lot harder than most children I have known, but I see so much potential in her.

Veronica Nicholaides
December 1st, 2021

Image for From Orphan to Missionary

From Orphan to Missionary

As parents and missionaries who have mentored and parented both of these young people, it is rewarding to see their spiritual growth and their commitment to the salvation of others.

Kent & Leonda George
December 1st, 2021

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