Sean & Brenda Mays

Career Missionaries since 2006, serving the Shqiptaret Muslims of Albania.

Sean and Brenda met at a U.S. Air Force base in Germany and were married two years later. They became Seventh-day Adventist Christians six years after that. Missions was on their hearts from the start. Evenings with their two daughters were often spent reading mission stories aloud.

Sean and Brenda and their daughters Megan and Moriah were called to Albania individually and together through a series of providential events. They all prayed for the people of Albania for over two years before they moved there with AFM to serve the people God had placed on their hearts.

Sean and Brenda have enjoyed serving the Albanian people since early 2006 and have been blessed to be part of a growing fellowship of Adventist believers in an area where there were none before. Additionally, they serve as AFM field directors for the Balkans, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Speaking Appointments

To see if Sean and Brenda Mays are coming to a church near you, visit the Speaking Appointment Calendar.

Frontier Stories

Prioritizing People

I inched the nose of our car out to make the turn onto another road. A three-wheeled truck was parked on the corner blocking my view, so I crept out carefully since I was blind to what might be heading my way. Unfortunately, a man on a speeding motorcycle saw the front of my car in his lane, swerved and lost control, sliding to the asphalt.

By: Sean Mays
March 01 2011, 8:13 am | Comments 0

Teaching to Learn

We think we have learned something when we can demonstrate proficiency through a test, but how quickly do we forget things after exams? The real demonstration of learning is to teach it to someone else. The very act of preparing and teaching a topic imparts a deep and lasting knowledge of the subject.

By: Sean and Brenda Mays
February 01 2011, 8:19 am | Comments 0

You Can’t Outgive God

Whether we give of our time, talents or funds, God multiplies what we contribute to His cause in marvelous ways. He continues to prove we can’t outgive Him.

By: Sean Mays
January 01 2011, 8:22 am | Comments 0


Elli is a rare jewel. In an atmosphere of corruption and deceit, she is scrupulously honest. Though the pastime of those around her is unkind gossip, Elli chooses to focus on praiseworthy things. When other women complain about their lot in life, Elli honors her husband like the woman of Proverbs 31:10-31.

By: Brenda Mays
December 01 2010, 8:32 am | Comments 0

The War

Elizabeta rushed to catch up with her friends on their way to school. As they entered their classroom, they kissed the framed photograph of the smiling face of the communist dictator they called Uncle Enver. As soon as they had all taken their seats, the teacher led them in a song honoring Enver Hoxha, who he said loved them very much.

By: Brenda Mays
November 01 2010, 9:37 am | Comments 0

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