Christopher & Shannon Sorensen

Career Missionaries since 2003, serving the Southern Thai people of Thailand.

Christopher and Shannon Sorensen launched to Thailand to begin their church-planting efforts among the Northern Khmer people in January 2003. They spent 15 months learning the Central Thai language in Chiangmai. After studying N. Khmer language and culture with Brian and Melissa Mitchell, Margie Jones, and Kelli (Biggs) Doss in Surin, Christopher and his team, along with local Thai pastor Wanlop Intachai, began working on a Bible curriculum to reach the Northern Khmer people and plant an SDA church in Surin province. With the help of a great bunch of student missionaries and local Thai laymen, they also started New Life Radio, Surin. Later Robbie and Kelli Doss joined the team for the Bible study field testing and evangelism phase of the project. In 2014 AFM’s Northern Khmer team merged with AFM’s Central Thai team to jointly develop and publish music and Bible study materials for use throughout the Thailand Adventist Mission. Other major objectives have been 1) the establishment of Peace Music Academy as a joint “Center of Influence” with the General Conference of SDAs and AFM, and 2) the planting of an SDA church in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Today, we sense God’s leading to join our colleagues Brian and Duang Wilson in reaching the Souther Thai Buddhists for Christ in the province of Surat Thani. We praise God for each person brought to Jesus through these projects, and for every one of our faithful friends and supporters who have given so generously over the years to make it all possible!

Frontier Stories

Music and Ministry: A Grandmother’s Story

Using music in ministry at PMA has been a powerful and delightful opportunity for me and my family the last several years. Thanks be to God and to all of you, our dear friends, family and supporters, for making this possible.

By: Christopher Sorensen
March 01 2021, 2:22 pm | Comments 0

A Chain Reaction of Grace

We thank all of you, our church family, who have played a key part in God’s chain reaction of grace by giving so generously to help the spiritually and financially poor know that Jesus and His church love them, too!

By: Christopher Sorensen
June 01 2020, 8:23 am | Comments 0

Forgetting But Not Forgotten

Mr. Dorman, I can’t wait to hug you again and introduce you to all the Thai people you have helped to bring into God’s kingdom as you have supported and prayed for our work so faithfully.

By: Christopher Sorensen
January 01 2020, 8:42 am | Comments 0

Tone:  A Man with a Plan

I’m also very excited to see Tone casting this vision for continual strategic growth and development of our current and future students! By God’s grace, this visionary leader’s dream will come true!

By: Christopher Sorensen
December 01 2019, 3:03 pm | Comments 0

More Kids for the Kingdom

We now feel more strongly than ever that the time is at hand when we must enlarge our tent.

By: Christopher Sorensen
February 01 2019, 4:19 am | Comments 0

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