Editorial: August 2024

Image for Editorial: August 2024

In a world with so much anxiety, acrimony, animosity and antagonism, where division finds its place in society more readily than unity, and thinking of oneself is often the default rather than thinking of others, Christ is the solution.

Jesus calls us to go into the world, sharing His love for humanity and the truth of His kingdom with the people we meet, being a light shining in the darkness and salt to preserve and flavor life.

All around us are people who would love to know and follow Him if His servants would be His voice, His hands and His feet. That is the key, isn’t it, being His servants, those who are actively working for Him as ambassadors to the world? Yes. But even more elemental and, shall we say, less anxiety-producing for many servants is being friends to those who need to meet the Friend.

We are responsible for planting the seed, telling people about Jesus, but we are not responsible for their choice of reaction nor for sending the sunshine and the rain to help the plant grow. That responsibility belongs to God and His perfect provision in His Holy Spirit.

And how do we plant the seed? Be available. Be friendly. Smile. Be aware of others, who they are and their needs. Pray for the gifts of listening, understanding and discernment. Begin your day by praying to God, asking Him to introduce you to others with whom you can share. Applying these simple steps reduces anxiety and provides an invitation to others to spend time with you, and as God leads, with Him.

For ideas on how you can witness, keep reading this issue to see what many missionaries are doing in the field to be light and salt.
