The Road ­— a Call to Mission Service

Image for The Road ­— a Call to Mission Service

“Yay!” one woman exclaimed.

“Look, there in the blue truck,” a second added.

“A foreigner!” replied another.

“Yippee!” someone else cheered.

Many village women along the Sepik highway were sitting and watching the road that day to see who would travel past.

When we stopped to buy fresh coconuts to drink the water, the women were overjoyed as I talked to them in Tok Pisin, the trade language. They got to serve coconut water to a foreigner, who stood on the side of the road and drank the coconut dry, just like any of them would have done. I spoke kindly, encouraged each of them, and enjoyed their company before getting back into the blue truck and driving on.

As we continued, I watched out my window with interest. The rolling hills of the coastal mountain range along the Sepik highway have tiny villages, gardens and beautiful scenery. But more importantly, there are people! Hundreds of them. Some were working in their gardens or around their houses. Many were walking along the side of the road. Others were sitting under a tree, watching the traffic roll along. While some were wholly absorbed in their daily activities, others were open, watching and waiting.

I may not love to be the center of attention. But, the open women are the ones I am looking to meet. They get a glimpse of Christ as I wave, greet them, and share huge smiles and love. At the same time, I wish I could stop and visit with every one of them to get to know them personally and begin a relationship leading to the Kingdom.

I think of Jesus’ command in Luke 10:2, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (NKJV).

So, I am praying.

Is God calling you to stop along a dusty road and become friends with someone whose garden produces bananas, papaya, taro and leafy greens? Is He calling you to sit and drink fresh coconut water with people and talk about gardens, all the while praying that your conversation will lead to a friendship and the topics of faith and our powerful, Creator-God — and that these friendships will continue into eternity?

The harvest truly is great around the entire globe. God is searching for people willing to share the gospel. Women and men are sitting along the road watching for you.

Are you ready to hear, “Yay! Look who is coming down our road today!”
