Not Easy, But Familiar

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It’s off to the races! God has provided us with all the funds we need to reach our monthly and relaunch goals. Now to get everything done before leaving. How quickly I forget.

I had forgotten what it is like to prepare to go to a foreign country. It’s December 30, and in just a few days, we will be launching once more to Croatia, arriving in the middle of winter, just like before. At least this time, we are not hauling 16 suitcases and arriving in a place we have never been to before—the unknown of where we will live and who will be our friends.

Now we have a whole community eagerly waiting for us to return, including some friends who had our apartment cleaned for us in preparation for our arrival. Our community took care of our home, car and cat while we have been in the States for three months, mourning the loss of Gabe’s father. Each day, at least one person from our community reached out to check on us, facetimed us or prayed with us. Our cat got sick, and they took her to the vet multiple times and visited her every day to give her antibiotics. And when the community center needed exterior lights because the sun was setting early, they took the initiative and installed them.

We will be arriving in Croatia with just four suitcases, but an entire group of friends are eager to embrace us. The Lord has done this, and it is amazing!

As we again say our goodbyes to our family and friends in the States, it is no easier, but it has become more familiar. It is the sobering reality that this is the life the Lord has chosen for us, where our hearts are in two places, and home always seems far away.

So once again, goodbye to all of you, and thank you for your prayers and support this past year. We pray that you may continue to walk with us in this upcoming year because we cannot do this without your prayers and support. God is doing BIG things in 2025!
