Mayhem reigned. November was its month of choice. Our final intensive Japanese course ended on October 25. Between then and November 27, I did special music with a high school student at church, wrote a sermon in Japanese and preached it twice on two Sabbaths, wrote part of my testimony of serving in Cambodia, presented for morning worship at the Japan Union Conference (JUC), and helped a JUC office worker with some technology questions. Caitlyn also wrote part of her testimony in Japanese, and we shared our testimonies at a youth conference in east Chiba and then again in a video recording for a Japan-wide Friday evening vespers. We also presented about AFM and our mission work for a church’s Sabbath School preliminaries program. Along with another SDA couple and some Japanese teachers, we both helped run a weekend English Bible camp for a mix of middle and high school students.
As if that was not enough, we also moved across the country during this time! While I was busy writing, Caitlyn took care of getting our things together and organizing them into suitcases and duffel bags. Together, we cleaned our living space and put together all the final arrangements for leaving Yokohama. We shipped all our belongings to Yamaguchi Prefecture, where we are now living, and began the process of growing accustomed to a new community.
Although it was mayhem, we saw God leading each step of the way. God blessed all our speaking appointments far beyond what we deserved. Many friends helped with our move. All our belongings arrived safely.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we continue the journey to help reach Japan for Christ! We could not do this without you.