Hungry for Community

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“We have no food!” I exclaimed to Gabe as I looked over at him while frantically trying to search our cabinets and fridge.

The past few days had been extremely busy for us, and I hadn’t gotten around to buying groceries. I kept telling myself I would go the next day. When I finally did try to go, I found out the hard way that it was a holiday (the Day of the Dead) here in Croatia, and everything was closed. I drove around with Abby, going from store to store, hoping something would be open. No luck.
Let me provide the backstory.

I began a book club here a few months ago, and we are reading a book called “Find Your People, Building Community in a Lonely World.” The entire book is about building community. The author mentions how convenience has hindered us from building deeper relationships. He speaks about how village life in Uganda is so close-knit because the people need one another. In the States, we have so many conveniences I never have to speak with someone to order groceries. I order them online, and they are delivered to my door. Now, I miss many things about living in the States, but the longer I am here, the more I realize that the “inconveniences” here are what keep the people in this small town connected.

So, back to my story.

I was driving around with Abby, and she said, “Mommy, let’s call Iva to see if she has something she can give us.” I didn’t think twice about it. I called her, but she didn’t pick up, so I called Lucia, our other friend who lives in the apartment below Iva.

Lucia answered and said, “Sure, come on over,” without hesitation. There was no judgment in her voice.
As I pulled into the apartment complex, my friend Iva was on her balcony. She looked down and saw me.

“I am foodless,” I yelled up at her.

Without hesitation, she said, “Come on up. I will find something to give to you.”

So I made my first stop at my friend Lucia’s home and then my second stop at Iva’s apartment right above. It was such an interesting experience, one I had never had before because there is always a store open in the States. My friends seemed so happy to have been able to help us, and I was able to feed my family.

We are here to build a Christ-centered community. We often ask, “How are we going to do that?” It truly begins with inconveniences, vulnerability, tears and laughter. Like with us, there are moments in which we each can help someone. But we often forget that there are many moments in which we need to be helped and comforted.
