October 1st, 2022, 2:37 pm
When we started serving with AFM 15 years ago, we were amazed that God would choose to use us despite our lack of experience. Looking back, we stand in awe at what God has done in and through us.
We started with faith the size of a mustard seed; with that faith, God has moved a mountain. After we learned the Khmer and Pnong languages and, in Cara’s case, the written script for both, God laid it upon our hearts to build and start a school. While the school building was being built, we rented a house just down the road from the purchased land. The school sits on the side of a hill overlooking half of the town, the largest in the province, and, like a light, shares Christ’s love with all the students. The students take that light with them as they go home and share it with their families and friends in the community. A parent from Punih village even came by to tell us they saw light shining around the school.
After moving into the school facility, our enrollment increased and has continued growing. This year we have 194 students in grades K-9, with many of the 9th-graders declaring they want to follow Jesus as the result of a leadership training and campout we held for them. We also have 104 students in our evening English classes. These classes serve as an opportunity to minister to others in our community and as an income generator to help the school move towards financial sustainability from within Cambodia.
Parents have told us they observe a better character in their children after attending our school. They also have better friends and are in a safer environment when attending Adventist schools. Our dream for the young people from our school is that they will grow up to serve the Lord and help spread the gospel to the rest of the people in Mondulkiri province.
Three years ago, we purchased land alongside a river for a farm about nine miles away from the school. Five of the 51 acres are now cleared and planted with durian and avocado trees. One of our projects, Healthy Choices Bakery, which opened in 2020, is located along the main road in town and serves some of the province’s most nutritious and best-tasting baked goods.
Through divine intervention, churches have been planted in Punih and Dumchi villages, and there have been 28 baptisms, with more people studying. The work in Punih village is moving slower than we expected, but there are believers in Punih who love the Lord with all of their hearts and want the rest of their people to hear about Jesus. Several members in both villages are training to be local leaders in the church.
And we fondly remember working with Greg and Molly Timmins, with whom we gave simple Bible studies to Suty and Neary in Dumchi village. At the end of each lesson, we would ask Suty and Neary some basic questions. At first, Suty and Neary did not seem to grasp or retain the information they had learned, making this work painstakingly slow. However, as time passed, they started retaining information and sharing Jesus with their family, friends and neighbors. Greg encouraged them to come out of the darkness and enter the light. In doing so, their new life was visible on their faces and how they kept themselves and their house. Before long, they were radiating the love of Jesus to those around them and now are like sponges—soaking up all they can about how to lead a church group and share Jesus with others. Their lives had been transformed. The group in Dumchi village is on fire for Jesus. It will not be long until the group starts another group and generational growth begins.
As we reflect on our time here, we remember the many of you who have played an essential role in our time overseas. You have provided encouragement and the prayer and financial support needed to accomplish the mission. Thank you very much! We could not have gotten this far without you. The rest of our team covets your prayer support. They are still on the front lines of the work and need God’s blessing as they move forward with the ministry.
As we transition from working with AFM, we have been blessed to see God opening doors throughout our transition back to the States. The day after we officially turned over our project duties, Daniel received a message about a job opportunity at Fountainview Academy in British Columbia, Canada. He applied for the position and was accepted. This year he will be training to serve as the head boys’ dean and will take over that position beginning next year.
Over the years, we have gotten to know many of you through visits or calls. If you would like to stay in contact with us, please mail us at: Daniel and Cara Greenfield c/o Fountainview Academy, PO Box 500, Lillooet, BC V0k IV0 Canada. We would enjoy staying in contact with you.
Thank you, and may God bless you as we look forward to Jesus’ soon return.