Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for What Can I Give?

What Can I Give?

That simple, cheap, plastic truck did its job well, not only bringing happiness to a little boy and his father but also helping me realize that sometimes the best way to help is by giving happiness. How can you bring happiness to someone today?

Hannah Nicholaides
June 1st, 2022

Image for Mud Buddies

Mud Buddies

It’s funny how even some of our embarrassing incidents can become a blessing. You never know when you may make a new friend. Maybe all it takes is getting a little (or very) muddy! 

Katie LeBlanc
June 1st, 2022

Image for An Open Window

An Open Window

Please pray that the Lord will continue to protect and guide Jilin and Junie, giving them courage,  wisdom and the strength to carry on this massive work of opening up a new area for Jesus.

Leonda George
June 1st, 2022

Image for Skills Used in God’s Service

Skills Used in God’s Service

I was pleased to see the young men back at church as well. Even the workers who remained with me started attending church, and one of them now wants to be baptized. Praise God! How wonderful it is that they are experiencing the satisfaction of giving back to God.

Stephen Erickson
June 1st, 2022

Image for Seeing God’s Hand

Seeing God’s Hand

If I have learned anything over the past decade that I have served with AFM, it is that mission work is truly a walk of faith.

Kyle Tumberg
June 1st, 2022

Image for The Power of Culture

The Power of Culture

I pray to write again and tell you that Francisco and many others were able to see that Light. Pray. Pray a lot for the missionaries because the road is long, and the challenges are enormous. We are strengthened by knowing that at the end of that road is a God who loves us.

By Elisabete Dias
May 1st, 2022

Image for Spiritual Warfare in a Different Dimension

Spiritual Warfare in a Different Dimension

We are confident that God will move wonderfully here in Kono. The devil is angry, and he is using others to disrupt and discourage God’s workers, trying to weaken their faith. But our Lord is faithful.

Fred Coker
May 1st, 2022

Image for Not an Ordinary Sunday Morning

Not an Ordinary Sunday Morning

Time is short. Let’s re-evaluate our priorities and re-focus on what’s really important.

Ulrike & Toussaint Baur-Kouato
May 1st, 2022

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