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Growth Witnessed

We are all familiar with measuring. Some things, like time, speed or temperature, are measured with specific measuring units. Some others, consciousness or love, for example, are impossible to quantify; they can only be observed. Spiritual growth is one of those; impossible to measure yet observable. A short interaction between…

Tea With a Neighbor

In Turkish culture, spending time together, often over tea, serves as a crucial way to forge personal connections, emphasizing the value placed on nurturing relationships over productivity; business and work take a backseat to personal connections. Meanwhile, Western views associate time with money, prioritizing efficiency. Mr. H, a retired carpenter…

The Art of Submitting

We are going to Croatia! That thought is really sinking in. We have so much to do to prepare, including deciding which things to get rid of. Then God reminded me of the rich young ruler. Jesus told him to sell everything and give to the poor. “But God, I…


“Are you guys ready to leave yet?” I asked my children, unsure what they would say. “No way!” Gabriella blurted. “I don’t know,” said Glenda. “If I just had Tilly here with us, there would be no need to go back to Yasna Land.” Tilly is the little black dog…

Gone With the Wind

Can we change our flight to the day before we plan to fly out? We asked ourselves this question as we sat at the AFM offices in Michigan. Gabe’s father, Andrew, had been battling cancer for 2 1/2 months. We had already purchased tickets to fly to Orlando that Sunday…

No More Tears

Hunger, poverty, diseases, death, natural disasters, and wars and rumors of wars surround our lives. However, Jesus Christ left a message of hope for us that one day, He will restore this broken world. His is a message we need to proclaim unto the ends of the earth, including the…

This Just In

Breaking. Something happened. In the news. Threatens to completely change life as we know it. Time to panic. BE AFRAID! With thousand-year floods occurring annually, wars and rumors of wars, political unrest, economic turmoil, health crises and societal collapse, it’s best not to read the headlines before breakfast. Following the…


Beautiful costumes, impressive drumming and the joy of watching tiny tots dancing to the music. I only wished I had understood the songs and the meaning behind the dancers’ movements. A couple of weekends ago, I had the pleasure of attending the Poplar Indian Days Wacipi (powwow). I am using…

The Power of Prayer

Healings. Deliverance. Miracles. God has worked mightily for His people here who believe in the power of prayer over things that no human can fix, watchful for His answer. Their conversion stories testify to His goodness. Sister Loud is the only baptized Christian in her family. She sometimes brings her…


Arraya is the young mother of a preschool-aged girl and boy. She lives with her in-laws and their extended family, and her children have grown up in a house full of cousins. We have known most of the cousins since they were babies, supporting their development over the past eight…

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