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Lansing Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Grass Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church

Highlands Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Music Teacher, Mozambique

Mozambique, East Africa

Pathfinder Leader, Mozambique

Mozambique, East Africa

Athens Church

Village Seventh-day Adventist Church

From Cursed to Blessed

“Then you must divide the assets!” her parents said. “That won’t happen!” I made it clear. “If you want, I can give up the chairs!” My name is Pedro. I was born in 1990. My parents separated when I was only three, and my mother gave me to my grandparents…

Language Learning With a Heart for the Unreached

English, that was it — my ‘one-and-only’ language when I heard the Great Commission. Now, I’m becoming multilingual to communicate with the Muslim people of the Sahara Desert. Right now, you may live far away from an unreached ethnic group such as the Fulani of Guinea, the Iraqis of Jordan…

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