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The Power of Prayer

If patience and perseverance are not some of your virtues, walking with God may seem highly frustrating, especially when it comes to divine timing in answering prayer. Agnès and her husband, Solo, are faithful Bible students and members of our worship group. Since they married about four years ago, they…

Discovering the Truth

“Pastor, excuse me, but let me see if I understand. Do you mean that everything I’ve heard so far about white people wanting to enslave us, destroying our culture, and changing our practices is not like that at all? Do you mean that it is all in the Bible; it’s…

God of Restoration

Editor’s note: The following story, from Joe’s time as a pastor in Guinea before joining AFM, was related to him by Stephane, a married father of three. I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. God used Pastor Joe to restore me from a life of depression during the time of COVID-19.…

Two Paths, One Battle: The Tale of Defiance and Deliverance in Spiritual Warfare

I love to play my guitar and teach Christian songs in English during the French-language Bible studies the school principal gives to the students. They enjoy the music and singing, and usually everyone participates. Well, not everyone. On the first day, one of our teenage students had her head down…

Baptism and Camporee Blessings

It was an amazing feeling! A smile covered my face; what pure joy! I will never forget my experience at the International Pathfinder Camporee and my baptism. On the first day, my family and I went to see the main stage. Later in the day, I went to Rich Aguilera’s…

The Importance of Intercultural Studies for Mission

Intercultural studies are becoming inevitable and indispensable if we expect ministry to be effective in this globally networked world. It is not just good but necessary for those called to share the message across cultural borders. Central to intercultural studies is that every culture has its own unique worldview, values…

The Hurry Escapade

“Get that squirrel!” The usually quiet and composed bank tellers squealed and laughed nervously as ‘Hurry,’ my childhood pet squirrel, raced across the plush carpet and scurried up the fancy curtains. Behind her, I ran as fast as I could, trying to catch the mischievous critter. It all started when…

Editorial: November 2024

“Thank you!” AFM missionaries, donors and staff smile when they hear these words, whether in response to small acts of kindness throughout the day or when uttered with deep gratitude for a sacrificial act. Jesus has invited our frontline workers to spend their lives impacting their Father’s business as thank-you-makers:…

Victorious Pilgrims

Throughout history there have been men and women who were pilgrims on earth who planted seeds of faith for the kingdom of God. Some were able to see the fruits of their labors; some died in faith, not knowing the results. Here are a few pilgrims you may (or may…

Depending on the Spirit

Two large tasks loomed before us as we began our furlough: one, earnest prayer to find new people who would be interested in supporting our ministry, and two, to help facilitate a discipleship seminar that would take place back in our host country. While raising support, there is always a…

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