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Image for New Refugee Ministry in Northern Iraq

New Refugee Ministry in Northern Iraq

ISIS has forced more than a million people to flee for their lives, and most have fled into the Kurdish-controlled region of northeast Iraq where they are now living anywhere they can find space and shelter.

Conrad Vine
October 1st, 2014

Image for Editorial: October 2014

Editorial: October 2014

This month we’re focusing on our AFM missionary kids who are busy turning things upside down in their far-off corners of the world.

Bill Fagal
October 1st, 2014

Image for From All the World to All the World

From All the World to All the World

AFM student missionaries launch.

Toni Minikus
October 1st, 2014

Image for The Want of Men

The Want of Men

Where are the men who will make God first, last, and best in their lives and will venture all for His glory?

John Baxter
September 1st, 2014

Image for Introducing the John Lello Memorial Facility

Introducing the John Lello Memorial Facility

The John Lello Memorial Facility will serve as a standing reminder to every wave of missionaries passing through the AFM Center of the depth of the sacrifice that missionaries may be called to make.

Susan Payne
September 1st, 2014

Image for Last Child Out

Last Child Out

With nobody to love her, would Yana simply become another statistic in the vast catalogue of human suffering?

James Proctor
September 1st, 2014

Image for Editorial: September 2014

Editorial: September 2014

AFM missionaries are bakers, serving up the Bread of Life to hungry people.

Bill Fagal
September 1st, 2014

Image for Shirt, Shoes and Children’s Education

Shirt, Shoes and Children’s Education

Your giving really does make a difference in the world, and most importantly, in heaven.

Adam Kotanko
August 1st, 2014

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