The Malinke Project aims to partner with the Mali SDA Mission on the Wide Impact 2025 evangelism effort this new year. The goal is to share the gospel and baptize over 3,000 souls, which would double church membership in Mali. Everyone on the project and at the mission is excited about these evangelism plans and praying in a big way for this effort because we know that we serve a big God.
The Malinke Project’s contribution includes the following plans:
Holding campaigns in eight villages throughout February, with three days in each village
Medical missionary work: health screenings like blood pressure and blood glucose and presenting health lectures
Sharing interesting Bible topics to engage the people
Three Mali Seventh-day Adventist Mission pastors recently visited us to discuss plans for these efforts. They took great interest in our medical missionary plans associated with the campaigns, and one of the pastors will join us in preaching. Thankfully, we had been given some automated blood pressure cuffs from a kind mission supporter to pass along to the pastors. We also provided them with some basic training on conducting health screenings in association with their evangelistic work.
We are contacting the village chiefs to see if they will welcome our program. One village has rejected us. Two villages have accepted and welcomed us. We earnestly solicit your prayers for this vital outreach.
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