Tragedy in Porga

“There are over 200 orphans!” The news went on to explain that a tanker truck carrying gasoline had overturned in the town of Porga when the driver swerved to avoid a child in the road. The driver and his helper got out of the truck and warned the gathering crowd to stay back because the truck was still hot, and if any fuel hit the muffler or other parts, it would explode. However, the people ignored the warnings. They swarmed the truck and opened the tank. They began dumping gasoline into any container they could find to take to their houses and sell later along the road. Since the truck was on its side, the fuel poured over people as they stood under it to catch it.

The driver and his helper hurried to a nearby border post to alert the police and military of the danger. The authorities responded quickly, but it was too late. Something caused a spark. There are a couple of different stories. One is that a lady brought a lamp so people could see better. In any case, the whole area and everyone in it went up in flames. The report said the village chief ran from the explosion to a nearby house. Seeing a bowl that he thought contained water, he poured it on himself to put out the fire. That action cost his life—the bowl was full of gasoline.

For the most part, only the elderly and small children are left. The rest of the village was gathered around the truck.

Social services is now trying to figure out what to do with the orphaned children, 105 of whom lost both parents.

Greed caused this tragedy, and the government has set a date after which it will be illegal to sell fuel in bottles alongside the road.

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