Power in Pelima

For almost two years I have been going every Sunday morning to a village called Pelima. Our work there began five years ago when we went to visit the father of one of our evangelists who wanted to know more about God. It was two more years before we were able to arrange for an evangelist to start a weekly Bible-study group there. When the evangelist left, I took over. Interest surged, and attendance jumped to about 20 adults and 40 children. But as the novelty of my white skin wore off, many people found other things to do. However, a core group continued to come.

Through all my time in Pelima, a man named Joel has been one of the most faithful attendees. The people of Pelima are not Otammari, so Joel serves as my translator and my lifeline to the rest of the people. Our typical format is a chronological Bible study focusing on God and His laws. After meeting with the big group, I have a special doctrinal study with Joel and another interested man.

I often asked God what He wanted me to do in Pelima. Aside from Joel and the other man, there didn’t seem to be much interest in the group, and I didn’t see any seeds sprouting. But God encouraged me to keep going. I kept praying for the Pelima group and for my other Sunday-morning study group, but my prayers were general and not very inspired. God brought it to my mind that I was not doing my part in prayer, and I worked to improve.

Three weeks ago when I got out to Pelima there had been a party the night before, and everyone was sleepy. Joel was especially drowsy because of some medication he was taking. As I talked, I wondered again what I was doing talking to a couple benches of half-asleep people. I went home hoping the next week would be better, but it was worse. Not only were the people, but many of them were still drunk, even the man Joel and I were studying with. A lay worker had come with me, and I told him I thought Satan was mocking us.

Returning home with new resolve, I embarked on a serious campaign of prayer and spiritual warfare on behalf of the Pelima group. God started bringing verses to my mind: “Therefore put on the whole armor of God . . .” “Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms . . .” “Pray without ceasing . . .” “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s . . .” “And these signs will accompany those who believe, in My name they will drive out demons . . .”

After fighting all week on my knees, I went back to Pelima unsure what I would find. Praise the Lord! Most of the people were sober, focused and ready for a good session. We were able to actually discuss some topics Satan didn’t want discussed, like the new birth, how to walk with God and why alcohol is not good.

Please keep us and Pelima in your prayers. Satan doesn’t want to let go of those people, but God Almighty has entered the land and “has put up a standard, the power of His blood.” Praise Him!

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