M’Po’s Battle

“I want to kill myself,” M’Po said, his eyes never meeting mine. He had just shared about some difficulties in his life, and I could feel that this was a spiritual battle. Satan was not happy that M’Po had become a Christian, and he wanted to kill him, so he’d sent the spirit of suicide. Other local people have told me that the spirits will push you to kill yourself. The most common way is by hanging.

I started to pray silently and tried to make eye contact with M’Po, urging him to say that he wanted to live so I could send the spirit away in the name of Jesus. I was afraid to leave him alone even for a minute to get Uli to help me pray, so I prayed that God would send her to me. Two minutes later, she showed up to tell me that lunch was ready. I told what was happening, and as she prayed, I kept telling M’Po that he was under attack and to repeat after me: “I want to live.” He kept tuning away, and I kept pulling him back until finally he said he wanted to live. That was enough. I prayed and then told the spirit of suicide and any others to leave in the name of Jesus. I then told him to say it and repeat after me. Finally, he was able to repeat it. Overcome with tiredness, he went to sleep. Uli and I prayed again and left. I checked on him later, and he was still there. When he awoke, I explained to him how negative talk opens a door for Satan to attack. He understood and has worked to get past this difficult time in his life. A couple of times, he started to talk negatively. But when I cautioned him to not open doors to Satan, he stopped.

I thank Jesus for the freedom He gave us by dying on the cross and destroying the works of the devil. He has given His children authority over Satan and his spirits in the power of His name.

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