Miracles Still Happen

Miracles—do they still happen? Yes! As I was preparing to leave for furlough, I had a pile of things that needed to get done before I left and closed up the house.

Four packages were in the mail for me and due to arrive. I needed to pick them up before I left because it would be too difficult for someone else to get them. I told God that I really needed to get those packages before I left and then checked the mail every day.

On the last day I checked the post box in the evening, and the miracle had happened. The four packages arrived, but one of the packages did not have my name on it. It was for Uli. I was able to get her package for her as well. God covered the eyes of the postmaster so he didn’t notice that my name wasn’t on it. The simultaneous arrival of all four packages, each sent at different times throughout the past five months, could only have been God’s timing.

God has been working so many miracles in the past few months that I could fill many pages telling you. I pray that He will open your eyes so that you might see the many, many answers to prayer in your own life. I also challenge you to ask. Matthew 21:22 says, “. . . all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

Let us take God at His word and not forget to thank Him.

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