God’s Promised Provisions

Image for God’s Promised Provisions

God has challenged us with the promise, “Test Me, and see if I will not pour out a blessing on you that there will not be room to receive it, pressed down and running over” (Mal. 3:12; Luke 6:38).

During this last year, my wife was one of the millions who lost their job as a result of how COVID-19 affected businesses worldwide. She was the manager of our local Adventist Book Center, where she had worked for seven years. When the decision was made to close the store, our unexpected loss of employment cut our family income by more than half.

With this financial hardship looming over our heads, my wife and I committed to prayer. Should we continue giving as we had with two incomes? God had always seen us through before, and we felt as though He would see us through again. So like the widow of Zarephath, we gave to God first and have actually been able to increase our gifts.

Almost a year has passed since my wife lost her job, and God has proved faithful to His promises. Our bills are paid, we are abundantly blessed, and sacrificial giving has increased our faith in God’s provisions. If you experience hardship like ours, prayerfully consider proving God on His promises. Let God pour out His blessings upon you.

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