Children of God

“But how do we become the children of God?” The Sabbath School kids wanted to know. “How can we be ready for the soon coming of Jesus?” We were studying the end times. I told them that those who really wanted to know could meet with me after church.

When church was done and the offering was counted, I went into the little Sabbath School room and found eight wiggling kids between the ages of 9 and 12 waiting for me. I gave them the rundown on the origin of sin and how we are now living under sin; how the law demanded that someone die when the law is transgressed, but God made a plan so those who chose Him could receive life. All the kids were caught up in the story as they bemoaned the fact that someone had to die. We finished with a prayer, and I invited those who wanted to, to give their hearts to Jesus.

I didn’t know when I’d be able to find time to talk with the kids again, but they took the initiative. The next week, they asked if we were going to have another meeting. This last week we met again, and God richly blessed.

Please pray for the kids who have chosen to follow Jesus, and pray for me as well as I try and teach them. Some of the children come from Christian homes, and others are the only believers in their families. Our member families are first-generation Christians, and they still need instruction to strengthen their faith. Their kids will not learn the gospel by osmosis.

Since returning from furlough, I have felt a burden to focus on teaching the children. Sabbath School is not enough. Most of the kids don’t eat before coming to church, and it is hard to keep their attention when their tummies are empty. So God worked it out and provided these additional meeting times.

Please pray that Satan’s efforts to distract them and make them forget will fail. Our God is powerful!

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