Breaking Satan’s Chains

Suzanne, a girl from church, recently told me what happened when she went home for break. Her father is mad because she isn’t doing what he wants her to do. He wants her to quit school and teach and then to marry a guy he has chosen for her. She has refused. After many struggles, she found money to come back here.

As she was talking, I could sense that something wasn’t right, and the Holy Spirit showed me that Suzanne was under satanic attack. I got out my Bible and read Mark 16:17 where Jesus says that all who believe in Him will have power over demons in His name. Then I had her read it aloud. She read it, but with difficulty. She tried again and told me that her throat feels blocked every time she tries to read the Bible. I asked her if it is like that when she tries to study at school, and she said it wasn’t. We prayed, and I ordered Satan to get out and leave her alone, and she repeated what I said, quietly at first. “Say it with conviction,” I urged her. “You are a child of God, and you have that authority in the name of Jesus.”

I asked Suzanne about other things she might have done that gave Satan access to her. She told me a ceremony had been performed on her last year. She had been sick at the hospital, and nothing else had helped. While she lay unconscious, her family took her to a little room, did a sacrifice in her name, and put amulets and a ring on her. Her sickness left instantly.

When she came to, she had removed the bracelets and the ring, and the problem had come back some. She said she still had the ring with her in her stuff. I asked her to bring it, and we would burn it. Later, we did just that. We cut her ties to Satan and prayed for forgiveness. We told Satan he had no more right over her and asked God for healing. Then we prayed that God would cleanse her room and courtyard from demons. Happiness rose within Suzanne as she sensed her new spiritual freedom. Praise God that Christ’s blood frees Satan’s captives. That, my friends, is the real meaning of the good news!

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