Deon & Rene Theunissen

*Career missionaries since 2014, now serving the Pnong Project.

We are the Theunissens, born and bred in South African. We have three happy God-fearing children, all with their own careers who live in South Africa. We were both called to be medical missionaries at a camp meeting in South Africa in 2008. We decided to wait until our children finished high school when we applied to AFM.

Frontier Stories

Foot Scrubbing

Now I have a new perspective and understand the necessity of foot washing on a deeper level. Daily, let us pray to God to be scrubbed of our sins so that we can be ready for heaven.

By: Rene Theunissen
April 01 2022, 3:19 pm | Comments 0

Meeting Angels

They picked us up by ambulance that evening. We did not know where we were going, but at least we were together.

By: Rene Theunissen
March 01 2022, 8:33 am | Comments 0

Meeting Wood and Fresh

Please pray that God will give us special moments together. Pray also, that they will meet the Prince of Peace in our home as we present Him to them.

By: Rene Theunissen
December 01 2021, 12:19 pm | Comments 0

Tring Tring

I realized that we are supposed to reach out to people like children do. They have no filters and are unaware of time or social barriers. They only want to hear the voice of someone on the other side of the telephone.

By: Rene Theunissen
October 01 2021, 4:19 pm | Comments 0

Hi, Nancy

Would you please pray that God will give us hearts to see and eyes to find our friends and neighbors who may unknowingly hide from Him?

By: Rene Theunissen
September 01 2021, 10:20 am | Comments 0

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