By John Baxter
July 12th, 2016, 1:04 pm
The spirit of Christ is a missionary spirit. The very first impulse of the renewed heart is to bring others also to the Savior. Such is the spirit of the genuine remnant Christian.
They feel that God requires more of them than merely to sit in a pew and preserve the truth in its purity in their own churches. Rather, they realize that a solemn responsibility rests upon them to let their light shine forth among the unreached that are in darkness. By the mighty power of God’s word they will break the bondage that Satan has imposed over so much of the world.
It would be well if Adventist ministers were trained as missionaries. Everyone who expects to enter the ministry might be required first to gain an experience as a frontier laborer. Each may serve at least one year (preferably three) in some mission field before taking charge of a church at home. This service, requiring at the outset self-denial and sacrifice, would be a fitting introduction to the pastor’s life in these times that try men’s souls.
We typically send out missionaries two and two, as Jesus sent forth His disciples. With each young person is usually associated a person of age and experience, the youth being under the guidance of his companion, who is held responsible for his training, and whose instruction he is required to heed.1
Do you feel a call to mission like the Waldenses? Please contact us. We will help equip you to fulfill your calling.
1Paraphrased from the chapter, “The Waldenses,” in the book The Great Controversy, p. 70.