By John Baxter
April 12th, 2016, 5:35 am
Recently I was sitting at a table enjoying fellowship with a friend who is considering frontier mission service. In the course of our conversation, we talked about the typical reasons folks do not follow through on their commitment to serve as missionaries. I shared a few of the more common ones, and a Biblical response to each:
“I really would like to go, but I am not married.”
Don’t worry. Jesus wasn’t married either. We have career missionaries who have gotten married while in service with AFM. We may even help set you up with your future spouse!
“We feel called, but we don’t think it is safe to take our children to such an environment.”
Sounds like something I read somewhere. Oh, that’s right! That’s what the children of Israel said when they were on the borders of entering the Promised Land!
“I would like to go, but I just don’t think I can raise the money.”
Perhaps your god is smaller or different from the God of the Bible; you know, the One who created everything, owns all things, and loves to lavish good gifts on His children.
Then there is the conditional excuse, “If this happens, then I will…” that some folks use for not obeying the call of God. Here is the latest entry (although it has been around in some variant for years):
“If so-and-so is elected President, I will know that the end is near, and I will sign up with AFM right away.”
Friends, please do not say that your answer to God’s call depends on an election! Also, we do not need to wait for another pope to come around, for the world to get any more wicked, or for people to determine that they are now holy enough for Jesus to come back.
What is it really going to take? The Bible makes it clear: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).
Please contact us so we can help you fulfill this prophecy of Jesus. No excuses!