By Kara Kerbs and John Baxter
November 10th, 2015, 12:15 pm
God has always had a heart for sending missionaries to unreached people groups. Although the circumstances behind their sharing vary greatly, consider some of these frequently overlooked missionaries to the unreached peoples of their time:
Abraham testified to the Egyptians, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites
and Sodomites
Moses to his father-in-law and the Midianites
Naomi to Ruth and Orpah who were Moabite women
Elijah to a Sidonian widow in Zarephath
The little maid and Elisha to the Syrian Captain Naaman
Jonah to the wicked Ninevites
Daniel and his three friends to the Babylonians
Esther and Mordecai to the Persian empire
According to statistics on, there are still almost 10,000 unreached people groups in the world. How many Ruths and Naamans are out there still waiting for a message of hope in Jesus? What would a contemporary list of missionaries look like? Perhaps something like:
Nicholas and Sarah Westphal to the Goan Catholics of India
Steve and Emily to the Dzongkha Buddhists of Bhutan
Fidel and Suzy to the Pendjari Animists of Benin
Jarod and Beth to the Turkish Muslims of Turkey
Angeline to the Vietnamese Buddhists of Southeast Asia
Orion and Keren to the Ama Animists of Papua New Guinea
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The cry, “Come over … and help us!” (Acts 16:9) still rings across the planet. God had his servants then; He has His servants now. We invite you to join the list of contemporary missionaries and commit to reach an unreached people group for Jesus. Do it now!